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A religion-less society actually exists right now!

Hello Jodan,

I'm sending this letter to you, Sam Harris and Douglas Murray, and hoping that it will reach at least one of you directly as I believe it could move all of your individual viewpoints as well as your future conversations forward. I'm sending it in the interest of possibly alerting you to at least one country, the one I grew up in, which seem to have completely evaded your research efforts and leaving you all, it would seem, agree on one, to me a very curious and strange point, that a successful and happy society without a (major) role of religion in it does not exist or have ever been tried. Sam is sure it would work, you say it did not work in Stalin's Russia case (you also add Hitler, who clearly was not an atheist and his most brutal forces had "God is with us" written right on their belt buckles which pretty much destroys the non-religious assertion), but none of you seem to be aware that it worked and is still currently working already very well.

I respect all of you greatly. I identify most with Sam's points of view at matters - perhaps unsurprisingly given the country I grew up in and the personality I am - and least with you Jordan, but that's only because of the religious part of views he seems to insist on deeply. I admire Jordan for your abilities to reason and, most of the time, reason so for clearly logical things. I admire the other two for the same reason without the need for that exception.

I've watched a great many videos featuring you 3 plus of course other very intelligent people like Christopher Hitchens, Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett, and others in the past few years. The one thing that always keeps surprising me is the point where the discussion gets to the point of arguing about "how viable would a theoretical society" built basically purely on reason and no religion look like and what state it would end up in. Not even Christopher Hitchens seemed to ever have any other answers than a very good, but yet still purely theoretical arguments regarding such a society. From all of those occasions in those conversations, I am basically forced to believe that you all guys, however much-traveled and intelligent, have completely missed at least this one real-life, well-working example, which is my country - The Czech Republic. I think that if you haven't and if you then talked to a few people who grew up there at least at the time when I did - born 1973 - you would find not theoretical, but very real examples of a great many people who not only grew up completely without any religion or any stories coming from it and yet, still grew up very nice, intelligent and maybe surprisingly to you all VERY HAPPY people.

I'm not sure how many people exactly like me you would find because I really set up my life to be very happy, not even knowing how exactly stress would feel - I just maybe get hints of what it may feel like when I'm cold, which is why I have relocated to Queensland, Australia a long time ago - but you would definitely find heaps and heaps of people who are undergoing the same stresses in life as in any other western-type society with handling family, work and the other aspects of life, yet without any regard whatsoever to notions of any religion or any need to any type of any kind of comforting mythical stories.

That, of course, is not to say that many of us do not enjoy fiction books or entertaining stories in the form of books, tales, or other arts. We can enjoy it all the same with the full knowledge that those are fiction.

All the above is the result of the socialist/communist system we grew up in which not necessarily stifled but certainly did not promote any religion. It is the one thing I am grateful for to that system I grew up in, apart from a very happy childhood since nobody's parents had existential struggles. I do believe that there were efforts to eradicate the religion, many of which may probably be identified as forceful, but we've always kept our history including its buildings like castles and churches as opposed to destroying them, which would be an extreme way to get rid of something. Even clergy was tolerated and some very tiny minority of mostly the old-times people were attending services even at those times.

The actual real fact of life was, however, that we never were taught about religion apart from being a part of history, including ours. And we would still go on school trips some of which may include admiring a great cathedral purely for its architecture and art.

Strangely, even the name of the "person" who brings the presents at Chrismas (which in the Czech language is called "vanoce", which has nothing to do with Christianity - at least not obviously - I did not study its etymological roots) is "Jezisek", which, funnily and very interestingly enough I personally only realized when I was about 14 years old, means "a little Jezis = Jesus - "little" here meaning a kid, a baby). So the presents were being brought by a baby Jesus and yet, for almost all of us it was just a name, same as the west had Santa Claus or any other name you could use for a fictional character. It had NO religious meaning whatsoever to us, nor any story was attached to it at all. It was (and is for us) simply a holiday with the ritual of decorating a tree and having a very nice, extraordinary family dinner before (mostly the kids) would enjoy the present unwrapping under the tree. (Yes, our Christmas all happen on 24th Dec). We had no idea that it was originally a celebration of the winter solstice or that it was then stolen as a Christian holiday. We enjoyed it and frankly still enjoy it for the same family reasons, all the same. Actually now knowing that it has been for the past many hundreds of years appropriated by a religious cult if anything taints the experience. It probably would not if that cult was a thing simply belonging and part of the history of "less educated" times of us humans. The fact that this magical thinking still sways great sections of global citizens' everyday lives is what taints Christmas for some us Czechs. It surely does for me. I feel more at ease with it knowing that actually it is the winter solstice celebration. I would surely be more fine with it if it was just a date that someone decided to arbitrarily put on a calendar rather than thinking of it in terms of a cult that brutally killed and tortured so many innocent people in history and still thinks that magical thinking is just a fine idea.

Similar to Christmas, we in the Czech Republic also celebrate Easter (another holiday appropriated for itself by Christianity as I learned much later in my life). We also enjoy it purely for the tradition or maybe just for the fact that it is a day off work :). In Czech, a part of the tradition regarding Easter is that man create a nice looking weaved supple "sticks" from the branches of a willow tree, and in the morning we go around as many girls/women we know as possible to "hit" their behinds with it so that they stay young and supple too. I'm sure that in today's "politically correct" society many would find something very wrong with it, but the simple fact was that it ended up being a very nice and very social day for everyone. (By the way, I never knew that anybody would consider women as any lesser than men. I grew up in a society where had no reason to even suspect such a thing.) In the afternoon the girls and women had the right on the other hand to pour buckets of water over the men's' heads, even though that part was never really practiced. (At least in our parts of the Czech Republic. There are more traditional areas.) I suppose that is because it is not as convenient to run around with buckets of water around than it would be with sticks. Also, we - boys and men - would get a colorful ribbon bound to the ends of the sticks by each female we've visited and "paid off" - we don't really call it hitting or beating. It would leave the omitted girls and women feel neglected rather than happy not to get hit. I'm sure that the absolute majority of us were always as gentle as myself and my friends in performing that "stick-and-behind" ritual. I actually never wanted or was planning to do this whole thing, but I had a friend who always came on the morning of Easter Monday to my home with a couple of those "sticks" - one for himself, one for me, and basically had to talk me into joining him every single year. And it always ended up being one of the best days of the year, finishing in a mixed group having a great time (including a bit of drinking in our later teenage years). It was very nice and social and NOTHING to do with any religion or anything other than "this tradition actually turns out to be fun" and we did not need some deep explanation for it that I'm sure Jordan would try to dig out at this point. It was the same fun we can end up with when we come up with brand new social events, out of which, when they turn out fun, we often try to make a tradition of too. All that being completely atheist and secular. I really don't understand what seems to be so hard to comprehend even to Sam - not that he could not seem to be able to imagine it - clearly, he very much is - but that it actually has already been tried and is still going on successfully. Admittedly though, traditions like the Easter ones in Czech are fading as the capitalist style of life requiring most of us to work more and more puts a strain on that too, together with an overload of other modern culture distractions obviously.

In any case, my point is that what Sam is saying, what Christopher used to say and others too, is NOT a theoretically working "utopia", it IS a reality for millions in just my own country of origin and we suffer no ill effects from it!

On the contrary, despite being a tiny nation of 10 million people we have (even though thanks to globalization, corruption, and not in small part thanks to the totalitarianism of the European Union) we are loosing great industry and very clever people. We used to be (before EU) totally self-sufficient in basically everything, were exporting fighter jets, cars, atomic reactors, locomotives, food, and much more to the rest of the world, gave the world some amazing people and inventions like contact lenses, nanofibres, the lighting rod, or even small things like sugar cubes, pencils or Koh-i-Noor snaps for our jeans :) and we needed no religion or the related stories to do that. And that is the one thing I'm happy the "communist" regime gave us - true freedom from religion, freedom from bullshit stories if you pardon me. It lets us concentrate on interesting and important stuff in life instead of trying to solve mute problems like why are we here. We are, so enjoy it. I must say that without the religious ideas surrounding us that most of us don't even think about it as something to worry about. We worry about "we are here now, what can we do to live well" and some of us also "what can we do to leave my imprint on humanity". The more curious of us sure ask "how" did we get here and maybe do think about how in the great scheme of things we are totally insignificant, but I don't think it makes us unhappy. I know it does not make me unhappy for sure. I enjoy learning new things, discovering, making logical conclusions, and, apart from other things, being truthful to myself and others, which is probably why I'm also so happy in my life and have always been, which all of you I'm sure will very easily understand.

All of you guys seem to imply or straight away say that "sure, there is not a person who would not have major problems in life, who would not have "demons"" etc. Well, sure, I've encountered problems in my life. I'm solving software problems every day (I'm a software engineer) I've traveled around the world on a motorbike so I've encountered life-threatening situations, I've lost family members (fortunately for me just the ones who naturally died of old age, no tragedies so far, so yes, I've been lucky in that respect). But problems are here, to my eye, to be solved. They are a challenge, not a tragedy. They make life interesting. And demons? No, I do not have any. Things I regret? Maybe, a tiny little ones like not asking that beautiful girl on a bus for a coffee. But I've never done anything I would be ashamed of. That does not mean that I never failed of course. But I freely admit and not try to hide my failings so I have no demons. Am I really the only person in the world you think? I may be rare, but I'm sure I'm not alone.

Regardless, many, or basically I'd say almost all of my friends, much as they may have more normal everyday problems and stresses than I have (and it is not at all related to money - I'm not wealthy at all - we even still rent the place where we live), would tell you the same thing regarding the role of religion or religious stories in their lives and their decisions - NONE whatsoever.

The Czech Republic is very rich in culture too. Our country has one of the biggest concentrations of castles for example. I do not think that religion was necessary for those structures to be built for powerful people in our history. Yes, many, many churches too. Beautiful buildings. Some of them truly amazing, as some of the castles, too. And our secular society still builds and creates amazing things with no religion required for it. Just yesterday I was sent a link to a video about the biggest chandelier and at the same time, the biggest jewel ever built anywhere. (Link here if you are interested: https://www.youtube.com/embed/AQ2udSvqx28 .) It could very well hang in a cathedral of some type. But it was built by a Czech company for a Saipan casino. Only human talent, work, and lots of money was needed to build this wonder. No religion whatsoever. So I'm pretty sure, Jordan, that you can stop worrying about losing culture if there was no religion. Sure, cassino may not be considered culture by many, but it is simply a fact of today's world that casinos are one of the areas where the money is. If you want to start to argue that we need religion as a way of extracting money from the population to build such marvels, as was historically exactly one of its functions and is one of the reasons those grand structures like great cathedrals exist, then fine. I would, like Sam, argue that it is possible to do without the pretense of magic, but at least that would be a simple point to defend. Not the only way though!! An example - and I'm sure there are also many modern ones too.. The National Theatre in Prague... It is a grandiose building with high ceilings covered with similar gold ornamentry and paintings to any cathedral you may find. It also has a huge painted curtain - a great painting of its own right. This all was built from money collected from donations of the citizens expressly towards building a national theatre, which was opened in 1881. The first idea came in 1844 at a congregation of Czech patriots. As far as I can tell no religion was involved. Certainly, none needed. And that great building is also a part of our and the world's registered cultural heritage sites.

So to summarize, the reason for this letter was to let all of you three guys know that you can stop only theorizing about a society without religion. Look at the Czech Republic especially before the Velvet Revolution (after which slowly more and more religion starts very slowly creeping in again), but where still today three-quarters of the population are completely irreligious. We are one of the safest, most educated, and happiest countries in the world. And if you look over the state ideology at any one time, where communism was making some people unhappy with restrictions on travel for example, and capitalism in its demands on sacrificing more of one's private / family time for work time, we are generally really happy people, nice to each other (without having to be threatened by hell or whatever other stupid magic idea), helping each other. And it is probably partly thanks to the LACK of any religion that we are that way. There is one less thing to partition us into opposing groups which argue about something they actually cannot even know.

Actually, that makes me think about my friends and people I know. I know and have experienced that my friends or even friends of my parents, for example, would (and in the past have) helped me when I really needed help, despite it being a great inconvenience for them. Yet, I was in similar situations when I only had a religious person to help me and they would not. It would seem to me that religious people like to listen to the stories that Jordan insists are shaping majorly their principles and behavior, rather than actually behave according to them. And then some feel great to tell you how good they are thanks to Jesus.

Ok, I think that concrete examples would be good here:
I know, that every time I go back to the Czech Republic for the summer I have offers from my friends to take me to the airport - both in Czech and in Australia (still from Czech friends interestingly enough). In both cases, it is over 100km and I do not want to inconvenience them if it is not necessary so I thank them and decline. But I know that even if I called them at three in the morning that I needed an urgent lift to the airport they would just tell me how long it would take them to pick me up.
Contrast that with this:
I've known a great person for 7 years and actually shared a house with her for 5 of those years. I consider her a very nice person and considered her a very good friend. I still visit her once a year or so when I have a chance, but thinking back on the story I'm about to tell you certainly makes me feel less worm towards her than I always thought she otherwise deserved.

So the story: I found a new life partner while again staying for the whole European summer in the Czech Republic. For reasons irrelevant to this story she could not join me permanently in Australia for the first few years of being together, so we were overcoming that problem by her periodically visiting me in Australia for 3 months, then we would not see each other for another 3, then I would go to Czech for 3 and a bit, again 3 months apart and then the cycle would repeat.

At the end of one of her stays in Australia with me, while I was still sharing the house with my friend, Jean, my partner was flying home the next day and I, shortly before that, decided I would actually fly back with her. I could not get a seat on the same flight so my flight was at 8 AM and hers the same day at 1 PM. My partner is a bit lost when traveling and she did not speak English at that time yet either, so we decided to travel the 150km to Brisbane in the evening before and arranged to stay with a friend there overnight. We were supposed to catch the second one of the only two trains that goes from that place to Brisbane daily. It was leaving around 9 PM. The nearest train station is about 8km from the place I lived in with Jean, who agreed or maybe even offered to take us to that train station, I can't remember that bit for sure. What is for sure is that once we got there it become clear that the train was not coming as the train tracks were not there and the workers currently working there under the floodlights confirmed that the trains were not operating on that track for the past 14 days and will not be going for another 14 more. I was amazed and surprised, especially after we got back home and I confirmed on the computer that the online time schedule directly on the Queensland Rail website still insists that there are no exceptions or delays and that that train is scheduled as per normal.

There was no other public transport for us to use from that place. So after another couple of hours of trying to figure out any other possibility of getting us there on time, I finally asked Jean if she would be so kind and took us to the airport (we did not want to bother the friend in Brisbane to sleep over anymore because we would arrive too late for that we felt) so that we could make our flights. Jean told us that "she would but that she promised her sister to accompany her to a church service the next morning and that if she took us she would be too sleepy for that the next day"..................

I probably don't have to say that I was a bit disappointed that someone I considered a friend and a good person would refuse to help us in a situation in which I would have no other safe viable option. I never analyzed it further beyond the disappointment. However, a couple of years later I was telling this story to a friend and he, I think very spot on, pointed out that "So she would rather go to church to listen to the preacher to tell her that she should be helping people rather than take the opportunity to actually help someone in a real need.". How is that for "Christian" values? I know my non-religious friends would not hesitate to help me in that situation as I'll give you an example of in a couple of lines.

Just to finish the story, Jean was "nice enough" to suggest that we can try hitchhiking on the highway (at 1 AM no less!!) and "kindly" offered to take us there. We had no other choice so we accepted. To start with, there were literally 2 cars in 40 minutes we stood there. Fortunately, the second car actually stopped for us, and also fortunately we survived that. I say the second "fortunately" since it was a German traveler who told us that he stopped because he needed someone to keep him awake since he has been driving at that point non-stop for 16 hours from Cairns. Needless to say that traveling in a car 20km over the highway speed limit with someone who is grossly falling to sleep is quite scary... The story still developed into having quite a few very interesting twists, but those are not relevant to this anymore.

So now a concrete matching example:
When I was 15 I was to travel by bus 150 km to my brand new high school. I was obviously gonna have to be staying at a boarding school there so I wanted to take an earlier Sunday bus to have a chance to choose my new bed. But after waiting over an hour over the scheduled time for the bus I concluded that it was not coming and I was going to have to take the late afternoon one. After returning to the bus station and waiting for that one for almost an hour again I finally figured out that it was actually a brand new holiday celebrating the two (religious - interestingly enough :)) men who managed to enforce the recognition of our language as a language recognized by the religion, based and thanks to which our writing was established. (Religion would not allow our writing if it did not recognize the language as being worthy.) It was never celebrated before as it was shortly after the Velvet Revolution so I had no idea. Anyway, the result was that there was no other bus that day and that not only I would arrive dead last to the boarding school, but I would also miss probably the important first half of the first day at the actual new school as a freshman since my dad was away somewhere at that time with our only car.

That evening, at about 10 PM, a neighbor and my parent's friend came to pick something up from my mum. He was surprised to see me still at home and so he asked how come? When we told him he said that we should have told him earlier because he would have taken me there. He also told us that he was supposed to be at work the next day at 5 or 6 AM so it was too late to drive me there now. I remember thinking that it is easy to say now if he can't prove he would have done it anyway. Three minutes later I hear him saying: "You know what, let's go, I'll take you there." It was a 3-hour drive one way!!! The Czech Republic is quite dense with towns and villages and there were at that time many quite large detours on the way, too. So this man would get home about an hour or two before having to go to work!

How big of a difference this is to a church on Sunday where you go by your own volition, you are not required to go and being able to take the highway instead of in that case basically the whole way, so that trip would have cost Jean 3 hours max!

So the person who is NOT compulsed to help me for fear of any hell or any other even slightly unpleasant result helps me for purely the good feeling that one gets from helping others by his own choice despite majorly inconveniencing himself is the one that actually helps me and the one that thinks of themselves as the chosen and the most kind people chooses to go listening about how kind they are rather than actually be. Does not that give you a pause? :)

Another example. I was renting a room in a home of another of my friends and I happened to accidentally either drop the clear plastic fridge bucket for fruits and veggies or drop something on it (I cannot remember), resulting in its cracking. The, for me absolutely obvious thing to do, despite that it was "just a crack" and the bucket was still capable of fulfilling its function (and in fact until this day I still use it in my garage to store stuff in), I went ahead and spent almost a whole day trying to find where I could buy the correct replacement and spent something like 60 bucks on it at a time I did not have much money at all. Just because it was a normal logical thing for me to do for the pure "golden rule" reason. And Jordan would maybe say "ha, see, Christian values". And I, same as Sam or Christopher or probably Douglas too, would say that that rule is very logical, self-evident, and much older than the Christianity that appropriates that too for itself. It is just logical. I did not ever need any kind of story behind it and definitely not one where I would be punished other than that others may start doing the same to me seeing me do that to others. And since I want others to be nice to me, I, quite logically and without complicated explanations that some try to fit to some ancient stories they happen to believe in, will behave nicely to them.

And now again, contrast this to a very similar situation the other way around, this time, however, the other person is a church-going Christian.

I now live in a nice big house, which we rent as I mentioned. For the past 10 years, it has been our home and we can only afford it because we are sub-letting one of its rooms directly connected to the main bathroom. And we do this because we fell in love with the house and felt immediately at home as soon as we inspected it. And we originally inspected it purely just as a point of comparison with other houses we went to see afterward because it was available for inspection first that day. Later, comparing it to the other houses, I realized we could make it affordable (same price as the others) by renting out just those two of the 4 rooms that were on the top of what we actually needed. So we did and it has been 10 years since.

We look for people who want to stay longer-terms. Last year, a guy from the Christian part of Nigeria was finishing his stay of over 2 years with us. He would go to church every Sunday without fail and was obviously a devout Christian. He was studying nursing and was working as well, earning quite good money too. In the home, we usually all fit in our big fridge together with our boarder. This one, however, said he needed more space so we bought an additional fridge for him. It was one of the smaller ones which still needs to be periodically defrosted. When we noticed that he is leaving the freezer to become overgrown with ice we told him that he will need to do that so that the fridge does not break. We asked him to do that several times over several months until the plastic hinge of the plastic freezer door broke by the ice pushing it out. It was obviously not even an accident. He would ignore that. So eventually I told him that now he, unfortunately, had to find a replacement freezer door for it because otherwise, the fridge will be consuming much more energy (and we are paying all the energy bills, the boarders have it included in a single unchanging rent amount, which is by the way cheapest in this area) and that it will freeze over faster and that the person after him will surely need the door, too. Nothing at all happened until he left.

I meant to force him to do that before I'd return his bond when he would eventually be leaving, but it happened just at a time when we were holidaying aborad and I forgot about the freezer door. So I remotely returned his full bond. Sometime after that, when he came to pick up some of his post that he still did not change the address for, I gave him the broken door and asked him if he could please finally get a replacement. It's been almost a year now and he tells me he did not find it. So I asked him obviously if he actually tried. He said he did. A couple of simple questions later it is clear that he actually did not even try but is happy to lie about it. So what exactly has the church taught him?? I know it has neither taught him for sure to be responsible for his own actions nor to be honest. Clearly. Qualities that I and all of my close friends who I grew up with, who have never been touched by religion of any kind, have.

I am not necessarily saying that these almost exactly one-to-one comparable examples are totally indicative of the difference of morals between Christians and completely irreligious people, but since it does fit pretty well with many others we see in history and also currently around us, I think it is time to stop theorizing about the necessity or even utility of religious values for modern people. I'm not disputing that religion does have utility for people who follow it, but it certainly is not the necessary or even important tool for people in general.

It seems to me that religion has a utility of a rock that you use to beat in a nail. Take the rock from me and you leave me with a hammer that actually makes much more sense, similarly to taking away the stories and threat of hell and replacing it with something that has been there all along - the genuinely nice feeling of helping someone even if I am otherwise not compelled by anything else than the great feeling and the very logical realization that I have a much better chance to be treated nicely if I treat everybody else nicely. And that I am much more likely to be helped by others if I unconditionally help them. And I may help someone who never helps me, but helps somebody else. And somebody I never helped may actually help me because he was also at some point helped or at least sees it as all so logical how this works.

Jordan, your well-researched arguments on many societal topics are great and helpful and make sense. But I must say that even though I heard a couple of ways you very interestingly matched biblical stories on some current situations or general human behavior, I also think that you are totally overcomplicating stuff in these cases and you are getting many, myself included, lost as to what you are in fact trying to do other than somehow trying to reconcile your Christian belief with current reality and as you just discussed during the talks with Douglas and Sam, smuggling the Jesus into it where really, it is not necessary at all, objectively.

I understand that it is important to many, you including, but it really is not necessary. We can very nicely do completely without it. As an exercise in reasoning it is, or can be, for sure interesting, especially for scholars like you. For us, normal people (or normal engineers like myself :)) it seems pretty pointless otherwise. And the case of the Czech Republic, I think, even takes a base from your case completely, even though I'm sure you could find connections.

As an engineer I can tell you I can map anything to anything if I put enough abstractions in between. But the simple truth is, that almost everybody in a real country that has been historically doing well, grew up a perfectly decent person, arguably in a bigger percentage more decent than the majority in much more religious countries. And we do not suffer. Again, I'd say we suffer less because we are not burdened by any traumas like worrying about ending up in hell.

Sure, in our folklore we have another tradition where St. Nicholas (we never used the "St" part, for us it was just "Mikulas") comes on 5. December together with one or more devils to our home and gives our children presents or coal if "they were not good". And yes, for most children the devils are scary and some parents use that to elicit the promise of being good "from now on", but I think that at least most parents (certainly mine) were not trying to persuade us these were real beings.

It was a (scary) theatre happening in almost everybody's homes. And as soon as you figure out those under the masks are just normal people you feel clever as a kid. And you feel like you've grown and maybe also that you outsmarted the adults who would not tell you straight away those are just people. When you are like 6, 7, or 8, you are looking forward to running outside with the Mikulases and devils despite sometimes still being scared by them if they play the role well. It is thrilling. But it never needed to be shoved down our throats as a reality and not even a story was needed.

We have folklore fairytales that feature devils punishing bad people, yes. But we do not need them to tell us what is right and what is wrong. We can figure that out for ourselves and the stories are just a nice entertainment, if done well. And yes, we can see the useful allegory in it. We would still, however, know quite naturally the difference between clear right and wrong, between hurting others and not hurting others. But we recognize the difference between entertainment and reality. We still enjoy stories all the same.

You do not need organizations that actually believe those, are exempt from paying taxes and are praying on those who cannot reason themselves out well enough or prevent themselves being reasoned in by these fantastical stories and the ability of the storyteller to manipulate. I'd say that the about 25% of people in the Czech Republic who identify themselves as somehow religious are exactly those types of people. Ones who severely lack logical thinking. I have an uncle and a stepdaughter both like that. Neither of them has very good reasoning ability and so they are hanging there to be hooked on by the use of fantastical and magical stories, despite the fact that they were not indoctrinated into it as children, which then makes it more understandable when even pretty intelligent people still have this illogical partition in their brain reserved for god.

OK, that's it. Quite a bit longer than I intended it to be, but I hope it will eventually reach at least one of you in person and maybe give you some more arsenal for good arguments. It is obvious that you are very busy people so I do not expect any reply at all, but it would be great to get something like: "Hey Marek, it reached me, thanks." so that I know that I haven't completely wasted almost the whole day today instead of fixing my server and getting back to my coding in which I'm so much behind.

Wish you all all the best.


Marek Vsechovsky

As I'm reading what I wrote after myself I realize that although not absolutely necessary to explain this, you may wonder if I'm not "telling you stories" since at one point I mention that I am a software engineer and in another talk about affordability of rent. Well, I really don't revolve my life around money. And since I very much enjoy my job and have large amounts of ideas, I'm trying to implement them running it as my own business. However, I am kind of a Wozniak without a Jobs, meaning that rather than marketing a finished product I immediately start working on the next one since I just can't wait to work on it, so I end up with no income to my business and so from time to time I have to accept a paid outside contract. Since my expertise is large and well valued, and since I am a very frugal person (if I compare myself to most other people who say they are too :) ) I only need to work for about 3 months to be able to live from that for the next two years developing my own ideas. That's why I'm still renting rather than owning. I do what I love, I spend as much time on it as I want and I live at a very nice place where I can take a 30-minute holiday jumping in the surf basically all-year-round, so I'm really happy.
submitted by marekvse to JordanPeterson [link] [comments]

My paranoid schizophrenic episodes

Chapter 1
This is a true story.
I will begin this story in 2007, this is when I decided to join the Royal Australian Navy. I was 22yrs old and had been out of high school for 4 years with no real intent on going to university since I didn’t think it would necessarily make me successful. I been doing odd jobs like a pizza driver which I had to hold for a year because I originally applied for the Air Force but was rejected due to not holding a steady job which showed a lack of commitment, therefore after a year as a pizza driver a joined the Navy since a few of my friends had joined and said it was an easy ride. So there I was on the bus to Cerberus.
I had to go into the city to get a bus with everyone else down to Cerberus despite living only 20 minutes from the base. Cerberus is the main Navy training base in Cribpoint, Victoria where all the new recruits from around Australia end up. As recruit school came to an end after 11 weeks I had to wait for the next graduating class for a month before I was posted to Sydney to start my course as a Combat Systems Operator. That’s when my life took a big turning point. I was attending early morning activity where we were asked to lift weights and run them over to the training ground, I started to feel a sharp pain in my back, after a while I had to stop running and asked to go to the hospital. Limping over I barely made it when in the hospital my back started to spasm with pain. I had an L5 disc prolapse and could not walk for 2 days and was in the hospital for 10 days. I was happy to finally leave the hospital at which point they told me not to sit down or stand up for too long so I proceeded straight to the casino to play poker.
Upon arriving at HMAS Watson in Sydney I was informed by the doc that I wouldn’t be posting to a ship anytime soon as my back injury was holding me back. HMAS Watson is a beautiful base where people from the public would actually get married in the church on base. I enjoyed the CSO course and was top of the class but I couldn’t keep out of trouble. I push my luck one night when I got drunk on base and end up in a fight with another trainee. I was suspended with pay for 6 months and returned to Melbourne where I had to report to Cerberus 3 times a week. They sent me a letter explaining that my service would be terminated but I could write in a response with a reason why I should stay. I decided that since I wouldn’t be posting to a ship I decided to leave. Psychologists would later say that my actions in the Navy were early signs of schizophrenia.
Back in Melbourne and looking for a job a decided to get a job where my back wouldn’t stop me from working so I started working at a call center selling electricity over the phone. Not a very nice job but it paid for my apartment and beer which is all I really needed. 1 year in the job and I had been promoted a number of times to quality controller and then campaign manager. During this time my schizophrenia started to take hold. When I get schizophrenic I start to think I’m under surveillance and also think “I’m the only one in existence”, as a secret agent, I can do whatever I feel like doing without any consequences. So I stole 52 credit card numbers with there cvv numbers from work for later use. I knew that if I used the cards that the people would get their money back because if they report their cards stolen the bank gives them back their money while they investigate, so I was really robbing the bank. The campaign I was managing was the Insulation scheme and the Home sustainability campaign. The government was giving away free insulation worth $1600 to every household and free home assessments that are both meant to help tackle climate change by reducing the carbon footprint of each house. The whole campaign collapsed overnight when a number of people had been killed by fires that had started from dodgy insulation installers. That’s when I decided to start my own company. I knew a few old clients that were not that happy with my current company so I called them up and told them I was starting my own and would they like to be a client. I got a few that said yes and with one offering $5000 cash to startup I knew this was the time. I flew to Sydney and picked up the cash like something from the movies and on the way to my hotel I saw the guy that I had got into a fight with from the Navy and thought if I didn’t have $5k in my bag I would throw you in the river but lucky I had the cash. After bathing in the money I made my way back to Melbourne got my friends together and started up on Little Collins Street in the CBD. After 3 months of running home sustainable services, I flew back to Sydney to set-up a new center with a client. Half-way through setting up my friend and I decided to drive back to Melbourne because we had things to do, we hired a rent-a-bomb car, the old cars that you’re not meant to drive out of the city, we decided to take it to Melbourne from Sydney. We picked up a hitchhiker who had lost his license drink driving and at that point, I decided to let Finbar drive. Finbar hadn’t driven a car in 10 years when he had his learners as he has been using public transport for most of his life but I didn’t think much could go wrong. Well. The hitchhiker was so afraid of Finbars driving he asked to be let out at the next stop in the middle of nowhere. Upon letting the guy out Finbar then for some reason accidentally decided to plant his foot down on the accelerator while in neutral with me yelling at him to take his foot of and him looking around in confusion it was all pretty funny. By the time we had got to Melbourne the car was overheated and smoke was coming out of the engine. We just managed to get it into a train carpark before it died for good. The car company called me up asking if I needed another day and I explained what had happened and they then asked for $5000 by the end of the business day for the car. The car wasn’t worth $500 so $5000 they were dreaming. We borrowed the client's credit card to hire a nice new car to drive back up to Sydney and along the way when we collided with a truck tire at 110km/h that was in the middle of the road. The car slightly damaged we arrived at which point we were locked out of the office because we hadn’t paid back the debt we owed to them. So it was back to Melbourne again. When I flew back to Melbourne the company had no campaigns to go on so I had to close it down. I then applied for Centrelink and had to move into a backpacker as that’s all I good afford. Centrelink, however, wouldn’t pay me for 1 month because I had previously run my own company and they had to make sure I had no money. This only led to one thing. Crime. I went to coles online shopping and bought roast lamb, bourbon, wines, and anything I felt like with the stolen credit card numbers. I had it all delivered to the door. I needed to convert this into cash somehow so I bought items like police scanners and surveillance equipment which I later sold at cash converters. The lawyers would later argue I was highly paranoid hence the equipment. I then decided to fly to Perth to visit my mate. So I called up Virgin Blue and gave the credit card over the phone while I was at the airport and bought the next flight out of Melbourne. I guess it didn’t matter the card had a different name than my name since I flew under my real name. In Perth, I knew I could sneak into an Army barracks that were used by all three services without anyone noticing so I did. I walked in through the side gate and slept in the barracks for a week. There were 3 big 2 story blocks that were mostly empty and a few rooms that were unlocked. I ordered pizza over the phone again with the cards just down the road. I then decided it was time to leave and head back to the Airport so I walked into town and asked to take a car for a test drive from a local dealer, I drove the car back onto the base and loaded up the car with my luggage and that’s when the fuel run out. So what did I do? I walk over to the fuel pump on the base of course and asked to use a petrol can to fill up my ride. That’s when I bumped into a very switched on army officer who asked me a hundred questions at a time. He told me to just go and wait in the blocks while we find out where I’m from. I could have made a dash for it but being a 35-degree day I just thought fuck it. The officer came in and said “You’re not going anywhere till you tell me who you are and what you’re doing”, I told them straight up, I was on base because I didn’t want to pay for accommodation and I’m really cheap, they called the cops and then we both started having a laugh about the lack of security around the place. I was charged with trespassing and got a $150 fine. The car was picked up by the owner and I flow back to Melbourne again with stolen credit cards.
When I arrived back in Melbourne Centrelink finally decided to pay up and I then took myself straight to the police station and handed over the credit card numbers at which point the policeman looked at me and said: “why are you handing yourself in?” Well, my belief that I was part of ASIO and untouchable made me feel like I wouldn’t really get in any trouble, and I also wanted to make sure the people that I had stolen from got their money back from the banks.
I had an initial interview with the detective and he informed me it would take some time to investigate what I bought on what cards so I didn’t attend court for about 6 months time. In the meantime, I was staying at backpackers meeting loads of people from around the world and then I met Alex. This guy was wearing the Navy running shorts like a typical wanker. He had just gotten out of the Navy and looking for a new goal in life as well. We became good mates talking about all the crap you get up to in the Navy. We ended up going out most nights using the free drink cards that you can get at the backpackers to get shit faced. With the money I had saved, I decided to buy a van so I could sleep in the back and not have to pay for accommodation. I parked the car in the open carpark next to Urban central backpacker right under the highway. It was ok besides the car getting broken into nearly every week but I really had nothing worth stealing. My mate and I were out on the town pissing up spending all our money at the casino and strippers and then decided it would be a great idea to break into a storage facility and see what we could get. We drove out there and we were so drunk we were on the site for 40 mins before the cops finally came to arrest us. My mate gave up but I started running for it. I made it about 300 meters before being surrounded. Yet another pending court appearance. You would think I would learn by now to stop doing crime but the type of schizophrenia that I have just says “Do whatever the fuck you like”. And again I was about to. With all the stress of the pending court dates, I decided it would be a nice time for a good old road trip. I hired a Ford xr6 2010 model a nice car with plenty of space and cruise control I first was just going to hire the car for a day when I said to myself “let's drive to Byron Bay”. I went on gumtree and advertised offering a lift from Melbourne to Sydney for $50. I figured if I got a full car of 4 people I would even make money from the trip after fuel expenses. I traveled with 2 French girls and 2 English girls and so began a month-long trip traveling with 30 different people from Melbourne to Sydney to Byron Bay to Brisbane to Hervey Bay and then back to Sydney. I was traveling over from March to April to it wasn’t hard to find travel partners. I stopped over at Byron Bay for the Bluesfest where I decided to volunteer. After staying at the backpacker for one night I noticed a girl trying to sneak in so that’s when I decided to buy a tent and camp and invite people to camp out with me. I found a nice quiet spot right down near the beach and camped with ten different people. A great time watching the sunrise knowing that I would more than likely be going to prison. Somehow I just didn’t give a shit. I dropped the car off at Sydney airport and flow back to Melbourne. Back in the van again and that’s when the first major schizophrenic episode happened.
To be continued..
submitted by TheAgent2019 to mentalhealth [link] [comments]

Missing time

It was a dark night, no moon. We’d seen a bit on the road today. A returning trip to Brisbane from Sydney on the inland highway. Less traffic and less speed cameras means two gents can move north in less time? Not really. Here’s why.
It was getting dark. At Tenterfield we turned right.
“Casino 159km” a sign by the road informs. That’s 100 miles on the Grandad Scale. Shouldn’t take much longer than 2 hours, with the hairpin turns, maybe three. We sped off into the night, through the farmland and onwards to Coolangatta for a stopover at Mum’s.
Our progress slowed not far out of town. The moonless night, the wet and lonely road, and the number of hairpin turns slowed us to a walking pace. Carefully, I followed the black road. No white lines. No streetlights. No white posts with red circles to guide my way through the remote bushland. Sandstone cliffs. Fallen trees. The wiper blades dancing helplessly against heavy rain. 159km of hairpin turns on a dark and stormy night.
“Years ago on a late night shoot somewhere in Victoria, it was frickin’ cold”
‘I suppose it would have been’ I think to myself
“Four AM, must have been minus two. The director sent me up inside this abandoned, rundown, dilapidated Sanatorium” he looks over at me. A master craftsman in the use of unusual words
“Yeah, this old hospital”, I slow the car for tight turn number 229, rain thumping the roof of the like a madman.
“There’s an old matron who still patrols the corridors.” Phil continues “she’s still running the place 100 years later”
The dark night throws yet another hairpin turn at me, visibility down to just a few metres. I guide the car into the valley.
“My job was to keep this wispy white curtain blowing through the window. Jo kept the lights on it in the dark and the other bloke kept the camera focused. All trying to get this one shot”
My concentration divided between the story and the dark road
“I went up, set up the curtain and the fan, one great big fuck off fan to blow the curtain on a still night. The curtain rod fell and up into the building I went. Again. This time I tied it on with some old wire. Falls again, up I go again. The fan falls over this time, up I go once more. This time I stayed up there. Curtain doesn’t flow right in the wind from the fan so I lean out the window to hear what the boys are saying downstairs. And maybe this is just autosuggestion. Maybe it’s the ghost story. I get pushed or overbalance. Down I go, my fingers gripping the window sill. The curtain rod falls on me. Bang. I feel myself being pushed again”
My concentration high. I’m alert now “...And?”
“And so in the end we get the shot, no more than three seconds on film”
“For that much trouble?”
“Film’s like that”
I bring the car around another hairpin turn. My nodding dogmoves and I reach into the dashboard to catch it. I also change the clock, forwards two hours. The Camry let’s me do that easily.
An hour into this leg of our journey. Three by the Camry clock. We cross a rickety old timber bridge, the planks sing and dance as we skip across. The nails flicker, polished by years of wear.
“The show was called Haunted Australia, or something along those lines. Heaps of creepy places at creepy times of the night”
“Anything else happen?”
“They took us to some old stone police station in East Sydney at some stage. Lovely spot on the harbour. Into the lower ground with a couple of Mediums or Ghost Hunters or something like that”
“And?” I enquire again
“They tell me that’s the spot where they used to flog the convicts” he turns to me, his face illuminated by the headlights reflecting off the rain “She, the ghostbuster lady, told us of the convict flogged on that spot, a piece of his soul left behind by the trauma. Blood soaks his clothes, his feet in irons, his wrists bound by rope in a frame that he now hangs from” Phil pauses “they left him there. Lifeless. Flies in the summer heat.”
After a few minutes of silence Phil remarks at the lack of other cars. “Hadn’t seen another living soul since Tenterfield.”
“Your turn” Phil encourages
I slow for another bend.
“This road reminds me of a doco I once saw on Betty and Barney Hill” Phil’s silent response indicates an explanation is required “these two were driving late at night on a lonely road back from Canada. Years ago. Into that New England area of The US. They take a long and lonely road from somewhere to somewhere else” the car slows for another turn. The rain a little easier now. “Betty spots a star that isn’t sitting still in the sky” I pause “Barney sees it too. Above and a little forward of their car” No farmhouse lights are visible “Betty thinks it’s a shooting star, Barney thinks it’s a plane making it’s way to New York” we might be in a National Park or surrounded by a cattle station. “I did fill the jerrycan, right?” Changing the subject. Phil’s attention on me and not so much on the road now. “Try to spot a shed somewhere to keep the rain out of the tank”
“The sky is clearing” pointing upwards “No moon, not even a house in the distance yet. Just darkness and one lonely star in the sky”
“Star light star bright..” Phil begins “And gone again” he looks back at me, his face illuminated by the digital clock “and the star they saw?”
“It develops into a triangular shape. Barney thumps the peddle to the metal. They shake the triangle and duck up some country lane to hide between some trees and, in the middle of the road in front of them is the flying saucer, and a gang of little green men”
I pull the car to a stop “got that brolly?” Popped the boot and grabbed the jerry can. Phil holds the umbrella over me as I fill the tank, a sprinkling of rain drifts to the ground. Just enough illumination from the interior light to see what I’m doing.
“Just imagine it, they come down here, and fill the tank for us” I pause for a moment “with antimatter“ I smile, Phil looks around, one single star visible in the sky.
“Why would there be one star in the sky? If the clouds were clearing then you’d expect the space to be filled with star dust, right?” Philip analyses the situation
“It might be a small plane” and I turn back to the tank
“Remember that time we went up in John’s plane?” Phil, thinking through the Small Plane hypotheses
“The barometer dropped and we had to bring the plane down, it started raining like this after that”
“That’s not a small plane, no small plane would be in the sky, at night, in the dark and in a low pressure system”
“Little green men?” I Joke. Phil’s face is void of emotion.
The car glides along the road and we feel a second timber bridge rattle beneath us
“What do you suppose happened to the star?”
“Behind clouds I suppose” I reply
“I’m not convinced it was a star”
“Min min lights?” I suggest
Phil looks at me blank faced “maybe the spot-the-pot chopper”
The thick bushland opens up to thinly treed paddocks. The lifeless road before us. The car remains silent.
Fewer corners and hairpin bends allow the car to move smoothly. Rain beating on the windscreen.
“I put the jerry in the boot, didn’t I?” I enquire “I don’t recall putting it away”
“I don’t really know” the confidence in Phil’s voice now gone “I don’t even remember getting back in the car” he pauses for a minute “how’s the tank?”
“Just under half” thinking to myself that I wouldn’t just leave the jerry can, I must have put it away, and put in its seatbelt to stop it spilling, even though its now empty “I don’t know about the can, i really don’t remember”
“Forget the can, just keep moving” Phil’s voice soft “Coolangatta tonight”
We pass a few more kays. It might have been half an hour when we passed through a small village, slowing for the change in speed limit. No street lights, no house lights, no dogs or other travellers of the night.
“I need to stop, bit squeamish” I slow the car, open the door and look back at Phil’s illuminated by the interior light, his nose bleeding “you right there?”
“Yeah, why?” He pulls the sunshade down and looks into a little mirror, a thin line of blood beneath his nose, his beard filling with red “oh Jesus”. He opens the door, a small pizza appears on the road beneath him. Peas, carrots and yucky stuff added to his already red beard.
Out of the car, I hand a bottle of water to a big man, seated and curled in the foetal position before me. A mess on the black road between us.
“Are you right?” I enquire. And clearly he isn’t. “Water” I hand him the bottle
“It just hit me. One minute I’m fine next” he pauses “this” a moment longer and he adds “how far to Lismore?”
“I don’t know, and you’re right. Maybe we’ll stop in Lismore and get you into the casualty ward.” I pause. Maybe it’s not that bad, just a little nausea. A bleeding nose can be cause by dry weather, aspirin, a dozen causes “let’s see how you go until we get to Lismore”
Phil accelerates. He’s trying to change lanes. Other cars don’t make space for the impatient driver. He curses the other drivers with bad language. The first rays of the morning sun make give the sky fresh blue hue.
“Good morning, Sir”
“How long was I out for?” Curious as i must have been asleep since we swapped drivers when I filled up from the gerry can
“Dunno. But isn’t it nice to see the sunrise?” Phil adds animation, years of living amongst Melbourne’s Italian community “haven’t seen one in years”
I count my fingers, and count them again. The clock in the Camry reads 7:32. We left Tenterfield at 8 or so. No way is that road 11 hours, even with my two hour fiddle clock trick “Did you stop a while?”
“Nah” I can see he’s noticed the same thing. “Bruxner Hwy really does add a few hours”
submitted by Erichagan to DrCreepensVault [link] [comments]

[Modern][Tournament Report] GP Brisbane tournament report for 24th place finish with G/W Tron

Hi Everyone,
Last weekend I had the pleasure of travelling to Brisbane GP with a bunch of friends and playing an interesting, surprise filled magic tournament and I thought I would share my experience with you. Please see below for some headings in the event you want to skip to certain points:
Background - Intro/Deck decisions/List I ended up on Tournament - 15 rounds and what happened in them. Conclusion - Thoughts of event/What would I change/Overall takes from GP
Myself and a few friends flew into Brisbane on a bright and sunny day with only 1 purpose in mind - Finding some burgers, fries and beer. After a hike around an unknown city and some sub-optimal GPS-ing by a friend this was easily accomplished - Let’s just say that there was plenty of food on 'the stack' and my stomach was happy to let it resolve. We went back to the hotel, got a few beers and got some sleep awaiting a busy Friday where I hoped to score my 2 byes (personal break took me out for a year so no planeswalker point byes) and see how I felt about deck choices and the field.
Friday started horribly for my infect deck as I got nut drawed out by Bant Eldrazi but I wasn't ready to give up yet, nut draws happen and you cannot accommodate for them. I started my next grinder (not sure if this term is used elsewhere for the GPT style events day before GP) and proceeded to go 4-0. This was perfect, I now had 2 byes for the GP and this was amazing... until it wasn't. I was informed that although it was advertised as go "4-0" in a grinder with more than 21 people in it, you got byes was not correct - You had to battle the other 4-0's for the byes and well of course one of my worse match ups and some mulligans ensured I was not going into GP Brisbane with any BYES. I was a little salty as per the advertising I thought I had locked byes - not a good start but I had to move on.
I sat down with a friend I was travelling with and discussed the state of infect with him based on my experiences and my friend could tell it was not what I wanted to be doing for this GP - Why: The 'free wins' you once got with the deck usually in G1 were not as easy in a world of fatal push and wide creature decks like CoCo. It felt like much more of a grind and I felt myself too many times thinking "Topdeck, cmon, Topdeck!" or "Please no removal, please brick!" and that's not where I like to be when playing magic, especially over 15 rounds. My friend knew that I liked Tron as my "old faithful" in modern but I had let my girlfriend who has only recently started modern play it and it was all she knew and wanted it for GP. Whilst I am competitive I do not believe in breaking hearts - only the occasional dream crushing within the tournament (LOL)! My friend thought for a moment and said, "I have all the mainboard besides 1 Oblivion Stone... get that and your intended sideboard and let’s get you on it for tomorrow". My eyes lit up and it was getting late so I rushed off to the vendors, making it rain with the dollar bills like I was all up in a club ready for a good time... We don't have dollar bills we only have dollar coins, safe to say a few people may have not enjoyed that "rain" being made.
Everyone has their version of a guardian angel or a knight in shining armour... mine was better described as a bearded wizard, just under 6ft with a foil miracles legacy deck that seemed to win by being overly shiny and full of value rather than solid magic play - Okay, maybe I was a little jealous of it too!
Some discussion of the meta, some banter and a few beers later ... followed by a few more beers and this was the list I sleeved up:
2 Ugin, the Spirit Dragon 4 Karn Liberated 1 Walking Ballista 1 Sundering Titan 2 Wurmcoil Engine 2 Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger 1 World Breaker 4 Sylvan Scrying 4 Ancient Stirrings 3 Path to Exile 2 Relic of Progenitus 4 Expedition Map 4 Chromatic Star 4 Chromatic Sphere 3 Oblivion Stone 4 Brushland 4 Urza's Tower 4 Urza's Mine 4 Urza's Power Plant 1 Sanctum of Ugin 1 Ghost Quarter 1 Forest
3 Nature's Claim 1 Crucible of Worlds 1 Emrakul, the Aeons Torn 2 Thragtusk 2 Warping Wail 2 Blessed Alliance 4 Leyline of Sanctity
Whilst this isn't what most would consider a "vanilla list" of this deck I made a few "spicy adjustments" for what I had observed the day before; greedy mana bases and lots of burn. This is how Sundering Titan got in the list and why I ran 4 Leylines in the board - 1 of Walling Ballista was replacing a spellskite which I believed dropped some of its relevance in the Meta and seemed like an easy swap. Only time would tell, but I felt like my list had a plan - Sometimes it is better to have a plan and aim to execute it than go in blind and hope whatever you do 'just works'.
I have done my best to remember as much as I can from the event. Whilst exact details may be off, the main understanding of how the game went and how I side-boarded should be very close if not exactly what happened.
DAY 1:
Round 1 (Unknown):
I look at my pairings and notice my opponent is someone that I know who plays in the same area as me back home - He is a decent player and won't be getting the free wins from him... or would I?
10 minutes in and he didn't show up - I got the win (free) and whilst I was happy I got essentially a BYE, I was concerned as whilst he wasn't a close friend he wasn't someone I would think would just not show up.
I was worried and asked people who knew him and they had no idea, the worry grew but I had a GP to focus on (turns out he was overseas last minute and couldn't make it - Thanks for the BYE).
Record: 1-0
Round 2 (Soul Sisters):
We start shuffling up and getting ready for the game and I present back my opponents deck to him. Moments later my opponent says, "Oops" and spills my deck across the table clearly revealing enough of the deck that my opponent knew what I was on. A judge ruled in the favour of "assuming accidental" and whilst it probably was it did not feel great.
G1: He keeps a rather aggressive hand with lots of hawks and anthems and I am on the draw, I can get to Karn but it is too late and I don't have a board wipe or anything to follow up Karn.
Sideboarding: Out: -2 Wurmcoil -2 Relic -1 Sundering Titan In: +2 Thragtusk +2 warping wail + 1 Nature's claim ---- The thoughts here was relic didn't do much, warping dealt with creatures early and due to Path the instant lifegain from Thrag would probably buy me enough time for executing my plan in the event he had an aggressive start again. The 1 of nature's claim was a fill slot because of what I took out, potentially getting me some life off my own artifacts or stopping of the anthems.
G2: Not a fast tron start but a decent amount of dig and search and a path + O Stone, I path early, search and dig, eventually getting O Stone and then Ulamog to finish it quickly.
G3: Natural Tron with an Ugin and an O Stone - I felt fairly confident this was a win and it didn't take long for my opponent to prove this to me.
Sidenote: I would never say that my opponent is cheating, but after a few rounds and finding out the "oops drop deck" routine had happened to a few friends already I was a little more cautious. Accident or not, it is not a nice feeling especially in some Match Ups having this information known to your opponent. Not everyone is custom to calling judges and sometimes people will do this till they get a warning then stop it.
Record: 2-0
Round 3 (Nahiri Control):
G1: Natural Tron but no threats - I draw only 3 threats throughout the game and 2 are met with a counterspell and 1 with a path. We grinded for quite a while to get a result and I was just drawing lands and search spells - safe to say the station had run out of gas!
Sideboarding: Out: -2 Path In: +1 Crucible +1 Emrakul ---- The thoughts here are that path wasn't going to have many targets and incase of flum/GQ, crucible would help and Emrakul in case it grinded out and I wanted a way to win.
G2: He kept an aggressive hand with Giest and Snaps, but I had an Ostone and 2 tron pieces with some search to blow up that game plan. After wiping his board, karn into Ugin quickly got him to scoop.
G3: On the draw and I had to mulligan to 5 - This was looking like a loss. I had to keep 2 tron lands, 2 O Stones and a Karn. - The luck was in my favour and I got the 3rd tron land off the top and my opponent kept a double giest hand. After putting him off a low mana hand, I O stoned his board, placed another O stone with threat of activation which he played giest into and after a sanctum of ugin + karn I could clear his board, untap karn his land, search another tower, use the ulamog I got off Sanctum and he ended the game with 0 lands. It was a mulligan to 5, but lady luck was on my side.
Record: 3-0
Round 4 (Affinity):
G1: I mulled to 6 on the draw and kept a "turn 4" tron hand, but my opponent had the turn 3/4 infect kill and it was all a bit too late.
Sideboarding: Out: -2 Relic -2 Ugin - 1 Sundering In: +2 Warping +3 Nature's Claim ---- The reasoning here was simple, the 5 cards I sided out do close to nothing and the 5 I sided in align with my gameplan, stall, board wipe and rebuild.
G2: My sideboard plan meant very little after a mull to 6, got turn 3 O stone + a bit of dig ready for turn 4 but double cranial ensured this did not happen.
Record 3-1
Round 5 (G/W Hatebears - Mostly white though):
G1: I got on the play and got a very quick karn and he got a vial, he was able to get in a thalia before I karn -3 the vial and then ugin next turn to deal with the singular creatures entering the battlefield.
Sideboard: Out: -2 relic -2 Wurmcoil -1 Sundering Titan In: +2 Thragtusk +2 Nature's claim,, +1 Crucible of worlds ---- The reasoning I used here was that wurmcoil being pathed makes life irrelevant, Thragtask can creatre an additional body and give me some life immediately, claim to help beat vial/target my own things to survive and crucible for their onslaught of ghost quarters and possible Tectonic.
G2: Fast hand with multiple ghost quarters and a vial - He had the pressure and the ways to slow me down, easy win for my opponent.
G3: My opponent mulls to 5 and keeps a 1 lander, whilst my hand wasn't super quick and was hoping to stop the early vial, had O Stone waiting and stars/spheres to dig, the 1 lander proved very problematic for my opponent and whilst I stumbled, he stumbled much harder.
My opponent was very favoured to win here and unfortunately some bad RNG got him good, I showed my sympathy towards my opponent and let him give me his "I had you if" story because truth be told he should of had me.
Record 4-1
Round 6 (Tron G/B):
G1: Unknown Match up, I keep a slower hand, my opponent kept natural tron and 3 maps + 1 star (approx), he GQ's me off a map search and proceeds to get his tron online, finding a karn before T4 Tron and using sanctum of ugin to ensure I had to lands to continue the game.
Sideboard: Out: -1 Sundering Titan -2 Ugin In: +2 Thragtusk +1 Crucible ---- I didn't prepare my sideboard for Tron mirrors mainly because of how hopeless ANY sideboard planned for it can be, T3 karns and play/draw seem to get this match up worked out without sideboard being seen much to have any huge effect, so my SB was focused on other match-ups and not this one. Thragtusk was a better threat and crucible to get my lands back after a ghost quarter.
G2: Play a tower and sphere pass, he ghost quarters + surgicals my tower. This isn't looking good. He then plays two tron pieces and a map, into crucible for ghost quarter rinse repeat whilst still being able to deploy threats. This was a quick loss and I didn't feel there was much I could do.
Record: 4-2
Round 7 (G TitanShift):
G1: My Opponent got the play and whilst he was looking on curve to win the game, a turn 3 Karn stalled this plan slightly. Eventually he got out a titan but I pathed it and GQ’d one of his valakut’s to reduce the amount of damage I took. He stumbled for 2 turns and an Ulamog was able to close out the game. I think I got lucky he didn’t have a scapeshift.
Sideboarding: Out: -2 Relic – 3 O stone In: +1 crucible, +4 Leyline ---- The reasoning here was that leyline demanded an answer and he might not have brought in enchant removal. Crucible allows me to cycle ghost quarters keeping them off land and I didn’t feel like O stone was getting much besides Titan which path was able to get and relic was just a draw card in this match-up.
G2: Leyline in opener, stumbled on 1 tron land for 4 turns, eventually getting a star to get another land and then eventually stirrings for the next land into a Karn and eventually ulamog. Kind of got lucky here, whilst I stumbled my opponent couldn’t get through Leyline and had no titan to get in early enough.
After the game, I asked if he had an answer for leyline or he just didn’t expect it, he said he had 3 natures claims. He checked in front of me, 3 out of 6 bottom cards of the deck where claims… Shame he didn’t sac his tribe elders instead of pressuring me with them lol. Unfortunately, my bad luck was not as bad as his and it got me the win.
Record: 5-2
Round 8 (Affinity):
G1: I had two tron pieces, a karn, an O stone and 2 stars and started digging. I managed to get tron online as my opponent threw his hand at me early but cracked the O stone on 2 life to stabilise. I managed get all his artifacts and therefore his glimmervoid died. His land held him from being that little bit more explosive. Applied more pressure with wurmcoil and it was over.
Sideboarding: Out: -2 Relic -2 Ugin - 1 Sundering In: +2 Warping +3 Nature's Claim ---- The reasoning here was simple, the 5 cards I sided out do close to nothing and the 5 I sided in align with my gameplan, stall, board wipe and rebuild. (same as Affinity earlier)
G2: He kept a slow hand against me and I was able to nature’s claim early to avoid cranial plating/steel overseer pressure. I kept a no tron land hand, but it had green mana, 2 scryings, 2 stars and a nature’s claim. I felt like I had plenty of looks and eventual tron and that’s how it curved out. I stabilised with enough life to get back into it, ulamog got rid of the serious threats with a nature’s claim incase anything went wrong. I made him mill the 20 and saw a blood moon, clearly, I dodged a bullet on that one.
Record 6-2
Round 9 (Grixis Control):
G1: My opponent was on the draw and kept a hand with a lot of cantrip but not a lot of actual gas. I was able to get turn 3 karn, turn 4 sundering and 2-3 turns later an ulamog. This game didn’t have much interaction because most of his turns were spent using his cantrips. I had a pretty crazy hand, but I think maybe his nerves got to him and he didn’t keep an optimal hand – there was no pay off. Sure it may not have been a throwback 100% but I felt like going into an unknown matchup it was too risky.
Sideboarding: Out: -1 Walking Ballista In: +1 Crucible ---- I didn’t feel like I could do much but hope I could get back lands with crucible. I didn’t feel like walking ballista did much against a kolaghans command and was too slow.
G2: He kept a much more aggressive hand, building a graveyard into a tasigur. I was able to path the tasigur and resolve a relic which ensured I wasn’t getting blown out again. He cast a fulminator mage and disrupted tron, I followed up with a map and got a world breaker, getting rid of a land. I had a karn in hand and a sanctum of ugin and proceeded to get a sundering titan. He didn’t counter Karn and I knew sundering titan should lock it. I was unsure if I should of got an ulamog here, but if he logically went for tower, finding 1 tower was going to be bad enough, the extra 2 over titan seemed worse. He lost a fair few too many lands and terminated by sundering. He wasn’t happy with the result but my karn got bolted and my sundering was gone. I eventually got a crucible, got back a sanctum, cast a karn that was countered but got an ulamog and finished out the game after he spent 2 turns chumping on 2 mana with snapcasters. I was able to get another ulamog off crucible + sanctum, but he wouldn’t give up in the last round. Eventually I got there and finished the day off.
Record 7-2
Finished Day 1 at 7-2 and was happy that I came back from some rather unfortunate loses.
My friends had bombed out and wanted to go Casino, I decided to go and unfortunately, I went to bed quite late but it was heaps of fun and I felt like there was no weight on my shoulders. I had a good night and win or lose, still made day 2!
Day 2:
Round 10 (Eldrazi Tron):
G1: Turn 3 karn with natural tron into turn 4 Ulamog, I had the nut, what more can I say.
Sideboarding: Out: -2 ugin – 1 sundering titan In: +2 Natures +1 crucible ---- This was a similar reasoning to the tron debate earlier, I didn’t put in extra hate like surgicals as I didn’t think it was the best place to focus on during my 75 build. I want crucible in case he had ghost quarter with no back up surgical. 2 natures were for his crucible and also possible pithing needle.
G2: He got on the play and had a GQ + surgical and proceeded to play a crucible and locked me out by turn 3-4. Not much I can do. He used his 3 mana to play mindstones whilst keeping me GQ locked and eventually was able to cast his TKS and Smashers.
G3: This was probably my most unlucky game of magic in a very long time/ever. He got an early ghost quarter and surgical but didn’t have additional mana to back it up. I was sitting on 6 mana with 2 karns in hand and just needed any land to exile his 1 temple on the board and lock out the game. I had a thrag on board to apply pressure.
9 turns later I had not drawn a land and my opponent had gotten, land into mindstone into TKS, into crucible into TKS into land into smasher. I had an open window of 2-3 turns where he did nothing, but after turn 3 of this back and forth back pray for top deck, he started getting the gas and I was getting the wrong half of my deck. My window got smaller and smaller and eventually he was able to lock it down and take the win. Not a good start to day 2 at all.
Record 7-3
Round 11 (Elves):
G1: Search into turn 3 tron, turn 4 I pop off an O stone and he had a relatively slower start. I followed it up with an Ugin to wipe the board again. He was on 1 card and unfortunately was unable to get back after that.
Sideboarding: Out: -1 Sundering -2 Wurmcoil -1 relic In: +2 thragtusk + 2 warping wail ---- The reasoning here was that my opponent was playing a white splash and I felt like Thragtask provided a better alternative if being pathed to wurmcoil. Sundering and relic are rather useless so they went for warping on some of the problematic elves. I kept 1 relic over keeping in 1 wurmcoil as a way to dig further in the deck, this was about board wiping and finding them quick.
G2: I kept a 2 tron land hand, karn and some stars, but no board wipe at all. I knew I had to keep it as it was too good to throw back, but If he got fast it could end bad. As I was digging for my tron lands, I got tron to play turn 3 karn. As I cast Karn on turn 3, my opponent chords and gets a revoker, naming karn and shutting down that plan. I play a tower for turn and draw a star. I went star into stirrings and used stirrings to find the world breaker. I targeted the revoker and was able to use karn again, getting rid of one of the lords. After him playing a few dudes I eventually got an ulamog and he had 1-2 lands and no real board. He scooped and we parted ways.
When I milled him with Ulamog, I saw that he had a Gaddock Teeg in his deck. I was curious as to why he did not chord in his own turn, getting Gaddock and preventing me from having any play but path + follow up or an O Stone. I think this was probably a misplay from my opponent and probably caused him to lose this game. But I’ll take a win where I can get one. Record 8-3
Round 12 (Affinity):
G1: My opponent saw tron and went all in on the infect plan, a timely path followed by an O stone meant that he wasn’t able to get lethal on me and I was able to get this game.
Sideboard: Out: -2 Relic -2 Ugin - 1 Sundering In: +2 Warping +3 Nature's Claim ---- The reasoning here was simple, the 5 cards I sided out do close to nothing and the 5 I sided in align with my gameplan, stall, board wipe and rebuild. (same as Affinity earlier)
G2: After a mulligan, he kept a slow hand, I had 2 tron, search, 0 stone and a claim. This was compounded by the fact he stumbled a little and it didn’t take long to close it out.
Record: 9-3
Round 13 (Mono Blue Tron):
G1: Turn 3 Karn on the play, he didn’t counter it and from there it was basically over – wasn’t much to that game.
Sideboarding: Out: -1 Sundering titan In: +1 crucible ---- I didn’t see any blue so I didn’t know that it was actually mono U tron, he scooped after the karn taking 2 of his lands followed by a GQ. So I boarded how I thought best for Tron.
G2: This game went a lot longer, I ghost quatered him earlier and was able to get tron, but before I could establish a play he ghost quartered me back. He then followed up with a spreading sea. Thankfully I was able to find that tron piece again and start jamming threats, eventually finding a map and found sanctum of ugin. I jammed a world breaker, turning his tron off and getting me an Ulamog. From here the game collapsed and it took a while but he extended the hand.
Record 10-3:
Round 14 (Jund):
G1: I kept a bit of a slower hand, Tron by turn 4, my opponent plays 2 dark confidants and proceeds to follow up with a Liliana. This created a very hard match and it ended up with him on 2 before I won the game, having 60-70% of cards flipped as land saved him. Couldn’t do too much here.
Sideboarding: Out: -1 Relic In: +1 Crucible --- I didn’t want too much to change as the matchup is already good, you are just hoping you can undo some flum damage with crucible and hope they don’t have a surgical. Relic is still good here, but I felt like it was probably the thing I felt the most comfortable taking out, I still had 1 mainboard and was happy with that.
G2: My opponent mulligans to 5, and gets quite a nice 5 with dark confidant helping undo the mulligan. I get a Karn out turn 3 or 4 and go rid of the dark confidant, a bolt finished off my Karn. I proceeded to sundering titan my opponent, he then terminated it, he had 1 dark confident but had 0 lands. He hit me a few times and eventually I dropped to 2 but I played a Wurmcoil to stabilise, unless he had a bolt and I was dead. He drew for turn (only had a swamp in play) and he plays a raging ravine. I get another tron land and can get rid of a threat, the red source and swing with Wurmcoil for 6. I stabilise and close the game down within 2 turns.
G3: Opponent manages to get a dark confidant and I get tron and Karn one of his lands, he follows up with a pithing needle, naming Karn. I get down to 3 life and I manage to get an ulamog, exiling his red land for bolts and pithing, so Karn could exile his Tarmo. He didn’t have any red sources left from a sundering earlier and fetches couldn’t help. The game was over in another 2-3 turns.
I felt like this was a much harder game for my opponent as he didn’t see any fluminators or surgicals (or both) but after we had a disagreement on life totals (a judge resolved it), my opponent did not seem to want to be friendly. After clutching game 2, I said after shuffling up that I am sorry we had a disagreement on life totals and such, but I hope we can have a good game this time and wished him the best of luck. His response was “yeah k” (or something to that effect)… If there was ever a time to believe in Karma and after I lucked out of game 3, I felt like it was possible. If someone wishes you luck, please wish them luck back – We are all playing the same game we love, let’s keep a better community vibe going !
Record 11-3 (felt bad as my opponent was still live at 11-2 going into that round)
Round 15 (Jund Deaths Shadow):
G1: He played two goyfs, I cracked an Ostone, he followed up with 3 deaths shadow in the one turn whilst being on 8 life. Safe to say that was a quick GG.
Sideboarding: Sideboarding: Out: -1 Relic In: +1 Crucible --- I didn’t want too much to change as the matchup is already good, you are just hoping you can undo some flum damage with crucible and hope they don’t have a surgical. Relic is still good here, but I felt like it was probably the thing I felt the most comfortable taking out, I still had 1 mainboard and was happy with that.
This was something in hindsight I would of changed and I probably gave a bit too much oversight to. I hadn’t had much experience in this matchup since the bannings and I probably would of liked the leylines in as it stops throughseize effects and turns off a lot of cards/life loss to make the deaths more potent.
G2: This game seemed to go for ages, exchanging resources, fluminators on my tron, when I got it back, he had a K command to deal with it. This repeated until eventually I had 3 threats (Titan, ulamog, ugin) but no way to play them as I was on 5/6 mana. He top decks a deaths shadow and he is on 1, I am on 13. I draw an irrelevant for the turn and he crashes in for 12, its 1 to 1. I get a star for turn, a crowd had formed at this point as we were on the top 15 tables. I crack the star and say, “I will add a white” (Thinking path of bust), I proceed to draw a path and everyone in the crowd takes a deep, deep breath. I path as he attacks and my next draw is the missing tron land and I play Ugin and ping him for the game.
G3: Game 2 took so long that this game doesn’t get too far, I am no longer playing for a win but merely playing for a draw. I see that I am stuck on lands a bit, got fluminatored. Got a O stone on board ready to crack. Find the next land to crack it, reset board and eventually turns makes it a draw.
Record: End the day on 11-3-1 and take out 24th place of Brisbane GP.
I felt pretty good about my finish and whilst it wasn’t the glorious Top 8, it was still a really good effort especially with how the Day 1 started and how Day 2 started. I got some cash and some pro points and had a smile on my face.
It was important for me to keep in mind that due to personal reasons I had been out of the game for 1 year and that I only came back 3 weeks before the GP. Doing this well for me meant that I still had it, something, whatever it may be and it was time to keep going. Hopefully I can keep going and make America great again… or you know just do well at magic?
My honest feeling on modern for the weekend was that it was “anyone’s game” and after finishing the weekend I believe it even more than I did before. People are going to play whatever they have in modern and even people with 2-3 decks are still somewhat limited. They are not going to snap change because their deck went from tier 1 down to 2, or tier 2 / 3 down to 3 / 4, they will continue to jam it and try adjust it for meta, so you can possibly fact everything and anything.
Pick a deck with free wins. This sounds obvious but I think with the way modern is right now, free wins are so important. The amount of games that a turn 3 karn, followed up by an ugin/ulamog etc was GG lead to games that were just free. After looking around the room and watching others/discussing with others afterwards/looking at my groups experience, there was definitely a theme that enabled people to do “better than average” or even cash just based on a free win deck. Strategies that are more fair did not seem to be able to compete with unfair strategies.
Play blood moons, play affinity and turn 3 nut your opponent, Ad Nas your opponent and GG it right then and therefore, force them to have the answer because often they won’t. This doesn’t mean that the fairer decks are bad or will not continue to do well with the right pilots but the experiences were that a lot of great players that lost to subpar players on the more unfair strategies. If your go to deck that you have played for years is available, jamming it can be fine because of the experience you have to get correct lines at most/all points in the game.
What would I change and why moving forward:
I think the maindeck 60 performed very, very well. I think I would be happy to lock this in for where I would stay. The only slight change there may be world breaker over titan depending on more/less multi-coloured decks are popular.
The sideboard is probably where I would make the most changes and if I am honest I would probably change them, take it to a tournament and change them again, and repeat this process for a while because Tron has a few weaknesses we want to cover – it is going to help if you dodge the ones you didn’t prepare for during the day.
I would do the following based on my experience + meta:
-4 Leyline of Sanctity +2 timely reinforcements +2 Surgical extraction
-2 Blessed alliance +2 Surgical extraction
I would probably try the bottom one first because of how I see the meta going. I think that surgical is a very powerful card and really goes to work in certain matchups. I felt like I needed a better way to win the mirror, it won’t help a lot but because it can help with control strategies as well, I feel like I am happy to remove some “burn” sideboard to accommodate this. Burn feels like it isn’t in the best spot now in the meta and whilst I believe tron should prepare for it, I think we need to starting removing some of the burn protection, help other matchups and hope to avoid the burn.
With the sudden rise of deaths shadow aggro, I don’t mind leylines out of the board. I think that having a way to stop them getting their life total lower and stop them stripping our hands can go a long way. An early strip on an ugin or O Stone can often be the difference between winning and losing and keeping hands without these cards do not feel safe. If you are able to Leyline and keep one of these answers to their earlier board, you feel in a good position to beat this. Keep in mind that they often don’t board in any enchantment removal against you either and it is likely going to cause them to get a clog of useless cards in their hand if you leyline.
I do believe that blessed alliance under performed for me over the weekend but I am not sold it is a bad sideboard card. The reason I had it in the sideboard was for two match-ups that are not great for Tron; infect and burn. Fortunately, I dodged these two decks throughout the day and maybe my takeaway would be a little different if I had on this card, however I think surgical is still going to be more relevant over the course of a GP with the current Meta.
Final Words:
Thanks for reading my tournament report and I hope that you guys enjoyed it. If you have any questions or want to discuss anything please feel free to comment or ask me a question, PM is available too and I will aim to reply to everything.
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[Modern] [Tournament Report] GP Brisbane Tournament Report, 24th place with G/W Tron

Hi Everyone,
Last weekend I had the pleasure of travelling to Brisbane GP with a bunch of friends and playing an interesting, surprise filled magic tournament and I thought I would share my experience with you. Please see below for some headings in the event you want to skip to certain points:
Background - Intro/Deck decisions/List I ended up on Tournament - 15 rounds and what happened in them. Conclusion - Thoughts of event/What would I change/Overall takes from GP
Myself and a few friends flew into Brisbane on a bright and sunny day with only 1 purpose in mind - Finding some burgers, fries and beer. After a hike around an unknown city and some sub-optimal GPS-ing by a friend this was easily accomplished - Let’s just say that there was plenty of food on 'the stack' and my stomach was happy to let it resolve. We went back to the hotel, got a few beers and got some sleep awaiting a busy Friday where I hoped to score my 2 byes (personal break took me out for a year so no planeswalker point byes) and see how I felt about deck choices and the field.
Friday started horribly for my infect deck as I got nut drawed out by Bant Eldrazi but I wasn't ready to give up yet, nut draws happen and you cannot accommodate for them. I started my next grinder (not sure if this term is used elsewhere for the GPT style events day before GP) and proceeded to go 4-0. This was perfect, I now had 2 byes for the GP and this was amazing... until it wasn't. I was informed that although it was advertised as go "4-0" in a grinder with more than 21 people in it, you got byes was not correct - You had to battle the other 4-0's for the byes and well of course one of my worse match ups and some mulligans ensured I was not going into GP Brisbane with any BYES. I was a little salty as per the advertising I thought I had locked byes - not a good start but I had to move on.
I sat down with a friend I was travelling with and discussed the state of infect with him based on my experiences and my friend could tell it was not what I wanted to be doing for this GP - Why: The 'free wins' you once got with the deck usually in G1 were not as easy in a world of fatal push and wide creature decks like CoCo. It felt like much more of a grind and I felt myself too many times thinking "Topdeck, cmon, Topdeck!" or "Please no removal, please brick!" and that's not where I like to be when playing magic, especially over 15 rounds. My friend knew that I liked Tron as my "old faithful" in modern but I had let my girlfriend who has only recently started modern play it and it was all she knew and wanted it for GP. Whilst I am competitive I do not believe in breaking hearts - only the occasional dream crushing within the tournament (LOL)! My friend thought for a moment and said, "I have all the mainboard besides 1 Oblivion Stone... get that and your intended sideboard and let’s get you on it for tomorrow". My eyes lit up and it was getting late so I rushed off to the vendors, making it rain with the dollar bills like I was all up in a club ready for a good time... We don't have dollar bills we only have dollar coins, safe to say a few people may have not enjoyed that "rain" being made.
Everyone has their version of a guardian angel or a knight in shining armour... mine was better described as a bearded wizard, just under 6ft with a foil miracles legacy deck that seemed to win by being overly shiny and full of value rather than solid magic play - Okay, maybe I was a little jealous of it too!
Some discussion of the meta, some banter and a few beers later ... followed by a few more beers and this was the list I sleeved up:
2 Ugin, the Spirit Dragon 4 Karn Liberated 1 Walking Ballista 1 Sundering Titan 2 Wurmcoil Engine 2 Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger 1 World Breaker 4 Sylvan Scrying 4 Ancient Stirrings 3 Path to Exile 2 Relic of Progenitus 4 Expedition Map 4 Chromatic Star 4 Chromatic Sphere 3 Oblivion Stone 4 Brushland 4 Urza's Tower 4 Urza's Mine 4 Urza's Power Plant 1 Sanctum of Ugin 1 Ghost Quarter 1 Forest
3 Nature's Claim 1 Crucible of Worlds 1 Emrakul, the Aeons Torn 2 Thragtusk 2 Warping Wail 2 Blessed Alliance 4 Leyline of Sanctity
Whilst this isn't what most would consider a "vanilla list" of this deck I made a few "spicy adjustments" for what I had observed the day before; greedy mana bases and lots of burn. This is how Sundering Titan got in the list and why I ran 4 Leylines in the board - 1 of Walling Ballista was replacing a spellskite which I believed dropped some of its relevance in the Meta and seemed like an easy swap. Only time would tell, but I felt like my list had a plan - Sometimes it is better to have a plan and aim to execute it than go in blind and hope whatever you do 'just works'.
I have done my best to remember as much as I can from the event. Whilst exact details may be off, the main understanding of how the game went and how I side-boarded should be very close if not exactly what happened.
DAY 1:
Round 1 (Unknown):
I look at my pairings and notice my opponent is someone that I know who plays in the same area as me back home - He is a decent player and won't be getting the free wins from him... or would I?
10 minutes in and he didn't show up - I got the win (free) and whilst I was happy I got essentially a BYE, I was concerned as whilst he wasn't a close friend he wasn't someone I would think would just not show up.
I was worried and asked people who knew him and they had no idea, the worry grew but I had a GP to focus on (turns out he was overseas last minute and couldn't make it - Thanks for the BYE).
Record: 1-0
Round 2 (Soul Sisters):
We start shuffling up and getting ready for the game and I present back my opponents deck to him. Moments later my opponent says, "Oops" and spills my deck across the table clearly revealing enough of the deck that my opponent knew what I was on. A judge ruled in the favour of "assuming accidental" and whilst it probably was it did not feel great.
G1: He keeps a rather aggressive hand with lots of hawks and anthems and I am on the draw, I can get to Karn but it is too late and I don't have a board wipe or anything to follow up Karn.
Sideboarding: Out: -2 Wurmcoil -2 Relic -1 Sundering Titan In: +2 Thragtusk +2 warping wail + 1 Nature's claim ---- The thoughts here was relic didn't do much, warping dealt with creatures early and due to Path the instant lifegain from Thrag would probably buy me enough time for executing my plan in the event he had an aggressive start again. The 1 of nature's claim was a fill slot because of what I took out, potentially getting me some life off my own artifacts or stopping of the anthems.
G2: Not a fast tron start but a decent amount of dig and search and a path + O Stone, I path early, search and dig, eventually getting O Stone and then Ulamog to finish it quickly.
G3: Natural Tron with an Ugin and an O Stone - I felt fairly confident this was a win and it didn't take long for my opponent to prove this to me.
Sidenote: I would never say that my opponent is cheating, but after a few rounds and finding out the "oops drop deck" routine had happened to a few friends already I was a little more cautious. Accident or not, it is not a nice feeling especially in some Match Ups having this information known to your opponent. Not everyone is custom to calling judges and sometimes people will do this till they get a warning then stop it.
Record: 2-0
Round 3 (Nahiri Control):
G1: Natural Tron but no threats - I draw only 3 threats throughout the game and 2 are met with a counterspell and 1 with a path. We grinded for quite a while to get a result and I was just drawing lands and search spells - safe to say the station had run out of gas!
Sideboarding: Out: -2 Path In: +1 Crucible +1 Emrakul ---- The thoughts here are that path wasn't going to have many targets and incase of flum/GQ, crucible would help and Emrakul in case it grinded out and I wanted a way to win.
G2: He kept an aggressive hand with Giest and Snaps, but I had an Ostone and 2 tron pieces with some search to blow up that game plan. After wiping his board, karn into Ugin quickly got him to scoop.
G3: On the draw and I had to mulligan to 5 - This was looking like a loss. I had to keep 2 tron lands, 2 O Stones and a Karn. - The luck was in my favour and I got the 3rd tron land off the top and my opponent kept a double giest hand. After putting him off a low mana hand, I O stoned his board, placed another O stone with threat of activation which he played giest into and after a sanctum of ugin + karn I could clear his board, untap karn his land, search another tower, use the ulamog I got off Sanctum and he ended the game with 0 lands. It was a mulligan to 5, but lady luck was on my side.
Record: 3-0
Round 4 (Affinity):
G1: I mulled to 6 on the draw and kept a "turn 4" tron hand, but my opponent had the turn 3/4 infect kill and it was all a bit too late.
Sideboarding: Out: -2 Relic -2 Ugin - 1 Sundering In: +2 Warping +3 Nature's Claim ---- The reasoning here was simple, the 5 cards I sided out do close to nothing and the 5 I sided in align with my gameplan, stall, board wipe and rebuild.
G2: My sideboard plan meant very little after a mull to 6, got turn 3 O stone + a bit of dig ready for turn 4 but double cranial ensured this did not happen.
Record 3-1
Round 5 (G/W Hatebears - Mostly white though):
G1: I got on the play and got a very quick karn and he got a vial, he was able to get in a thalia before I karn -3 the vial and then ugin next turn to deal with the singular creatures entering the battlefield.
Sideboard: Out: -2 relic -2 Wurmcoil -1 Sundering Titan In: +2 Thragtusk +2 Nature's claim,, +1 Crucible of worlds ---- The reasoning I used here was that wurmcoil being pathed makes life irrelevant, Thragtask can creatre an additional body and give me some life immediately, claim to help beat vial/target my own things to survive and crucible for their onslaught of ghost quarters and possible Tectonic.
G2: Fast hand with multiple ghost quarters and a vial - He had the pressure and the ways to slow me down, easy win for my opponent.
G3: My opponent mulls to 5 and keeps a 1 lander, whilst my hand wasn't super quick and was hoping to stop the early vial, had O Stone waiting and stars/spheres to dig, the 1 lander proved very problematic for my opponent and whilst I stumbled, he stumbled much harder.
My opponent was very favoured to win here and unfortunately some bad RNG got him good, I showed my sympathy towards my opponent and let him give me his "I had you if" story because truth be told he should of had me.
Record 4-1
Round 6 (Tron G/B):
G1: Unknown Match up, I keep a slower hand, my opponent kept natural tron and 3 maps + 1 star (approx), he GQ's me off a map search and proceeds to get his tron online, finding a karn before T4 Tron and using sanctum of ugin to ensure I had to lands to continue the game.
Sideboard: Out: -1 Sundering Titan -2 Ugin In: +2 Thragtusk +1 Crucible ---- I didn't prepare my sideboard for Tron mirrors mainly because of how hopeless ANY sideboard planned for it can be, T3 karns and play/draw seem to get this match up worked out without sideboard being seen much to have any huge effect, so my SB was focused on other match-ups and not this one. Thragtusk was a better threat and crucible to get my lands back after a ghost quarter.
G2: Play a tower and sphere pass, he ghost quarters + surgicals my tower. This isn't looking good. He then plays two tron pieces and a map, into crucible for ghost quarter rinse repeat whilst still being able to deploy threats. This was a quick loss and I didn't feel there was much I could do.
Record: 4-2
Round 7 (G TitanShift):
G1: My Opponent got the play and whilst he was looking on curve to win the game, a turn 3 Karn stalled this plan slightly. Eventually he got out a titan but I pathed it and GQ’d one of his valakut’s to reduce the amount of damage I took. He stumbled for 2 turns and an Ulamog was able to close out the game. I think I got lucky he didn’t have a scapeshift.
Sideboarding: Out: -2 Relic – 3 O stone In: +1 crucible, +4 Leyline ---- The reasoning here was that leyline demanded an answer and he might not have brought in enchant removal. Crucible allows me to cycle ghost quarters keeping them off land and I didn’t feel like O stone was getting much besides Titan which path was able to get and relic was just a draw card in this match-up.
G2: Leyline in opener, stumbled on 1 tron land for 4 turns, eventually getting a star to get another land and then eventually stirrings for the next land into a Karn and eventually ulamog. Kind of got lucky here, whilst I stumbled my opponent couldn’t get through Leyline and had no titan to get in early enough.
After the game, I asked if he had an answer for leyline or he just didn’t expect it, he said he had 3 natures claims. He checked in front of me, 3 out of 6 bottom cards of the deck where claims… Shame he didn’t sac his tribe elders instead of pressuring me with them lol. Unfortunately, my bad luck was not as bad as his and it got me the win.
Record: 5-2
Round 8 (Affinity):
G1: I had two tron pieces, a karn, an O stone and 2 stars and started digging. I managed to get tron online as my opponent threw his hand at me early but cracked the O stone on 2 life to stabilise. I managed get all his artifacts and therefore his glimmervoid died. His land held him from being that little bit more explosive. Applied more pressure with wurmcoil and it was over.
Sideboarding: Out: -2 Relic -2 Ugin - 1 Sundering In: +2 Warping +3 Nature's Claim ---- The reasoning here was simple, the 5 cards I sided out do close to nothing and the 5 I sided in align with my gameplan, stall, board wipe and rebuild. (same as Affinity earlier)
G2: He kept a slow hand against me and I was able to nature’s claim early to avoid cranial plating/steel overseer pressure. I kept a no tron land hand, but it had green mana, 2 scryings, 2 stars and a nature’s claim. I felt like I had plenty of looks and eventual tron and that’s how it curved out. I stabilised with enough life to get back into it, ulamog got rid of the serious threats with a nature’s claim incase anything went wrong. I made him mill the 20 and saw a blood moon, clearly, I dodged a bullet on that one.
Record 6-2
Round 9 (Grixis Control):
G1: My opponent was on the draw and kept a hand with a lot of cantrip but not a lot of actual gas. I was able to get turn 3 karn, turn 4 sundering and 2-3 turns later an ulamog. This game didn’t have much interaction because most of his turns were spent using his cantrips. I had a pretty crazy hand, but I think maybe his nerves got to him and he didn’t keep an optimal hand – there was no pay off. Sure it may not have been a throwback 100% but I felt like going into an unknown matchup it was too risky.
Sideboarding: Out: -1 Walking Ballista In: +1 Crucible ---- I didn’t feel like I could do much but hope I could get back lands with crucible. I didn’t feel like walking ballista did much against a kolaghans command and was too slow.
G2: He kept a much more aggressive hand, building a graveyard into a tasigur. I was able to path the tasigur and resolve a relic which ensured I wasn’t getting blown out again. He cast a fulminator mage and disrupted tron, I followed up with a map and got a world breaker, getting rid of a land. I had a karn in hand and a sanctum of ugin and proceeded to get a sundering titan. He didn’t counter Karn and I knew sundering titan should lock it. I was unsure if I should of got an ulamog here, but if he logically went for tower, finding 1 tower was going to be bad enough, the extra 2 over titan seemed worse. He lost a fair few too many lands and terminated by sundering. He wasn’t happy with the result but my karn got bolted and my sundering was gone. I eventually got a crucible, got back a sanctum, cast a karn that was countered but got an ulamog and finished out the game after he spent 2 turns chumping on 2 mana with snapcasters. I was able to get another ulamog off crucible + sanctum, but he wouldn’t give up in the last round. Eventually I got there and finished the day off.
Record 7-2
Finished Day 1 at 7-2 and was happy that I came back from some rather unfortunate loses.
My friends had bombed out and wanted to go Casino, I decided to go and unfortunately, I went to bed quite late but it was heaps of fun and I felt like there was no weight on my shoulders. I had a good night and win or lose, still made day 2!
Day 2:
Round 10 (Eldrazi Tron):
G1: Turn 3 karn with natural tron into turn 4 Ulamog, I had the nut, what more can I say.
Sideboarding: Out: -2 ugin – 1 sundering titan In: +2 Natures +1 crucible ---- This was a similar reasoning to the tron debate earlier, I didn’t put in extra hate like surgicals as I didn’t think it was the best place to focus on during my 75 build. I want crucible in case he had ghost quarter with no back up surgical. 2 natures were for his crucible and also possible pithing needle.
G2: He got on the play and had a GQ + surgical and proceeded to play a crucible and locked me out by turn 3-4. Not much I can do. He used his 3 mana to play mindstones whilst keeping me GQ locked and eventually was able to cast his TKS and Smashers.
G3: This was probably my most unlucky game of magic in a very long time/ever. He got an early ghost quarter and surgical but didn’t have additional mana to back it up. I was sitting on 6 mana with 2 karns in hand and just needed any land to exile his 1 temple on the board and lock out the game. I had a thrag on board to apply pressure.
9 turns later I had not drawn a land and my opponent had gotten, land into mindstone into TKS, into crucible into TKS into land into smasher. I had an open window of 2-3 turns where he did nothing, but after turn 3 of this back and forth back pray for top deck, he started getting the gas and I was getting the wrong half of my deck. My window got smaller and smaller and eventually he was able to lock it down and take the win. Not a good start to day 2 at all.
Record 7-3
Round 11 (Elves):
G1: Search into turn 3 tron, turn 4 I pop off an O stone and he had a relatively slower start. I followed it up with an Ugin to wipe the board again. He was on 1 card and unfortunately was unable to get back after that.
Sideboarding: Out: -1 Sundering -2 Wurmcoil -1 relic In: +2 thragtusk + 2 warping wail ---- The reasoning here was that my opponent was playing a white splash and I felt like Thragtask provided a better alternative if being pathed to wurmcoil. Sundering and relic are rather useless so they went for warping on some of the problematic elves. I kept 1 relic over keeping in 1 wurmcoil as a way to dig further in the deck, this was about board wiping and finding them quick.
G2: I kept a 2 tron land hand, karn and some stars, but no board wipe at all. I knew I had to keep it as it was too good to throw back, but If he got fast it could end bad. As I was digging for my tron lands, I got tron to play turn 3 karn. As I cast Karn on turn 3, my opponent chords and gets a revoker, naming karn and shutting down that plan. I play a tower for turn and draw a star. I went star into stirrings and used stirrings to find the world breaker. I targeted the revoker and was able to use karn again, getting rid of one of the lords. After him playing a few dudes I eventually got an ulamog and he had 1-2 lands and no real board. He scooped and we parted ways.
When I milled him with Ulamog, I saw that he had a Gaddock Teeg in his deck. I was curious as to why he did not chord in his own turn, getting Gaddock and preventing me from having any play but path + follow up or an O Stone. I think this was probably a misplay from my opponent and probably caused him to lose this game. But I’ll take a win where I can get one. Record 8-3
Round 12 (Affinity):
G1: My opponent saw tron and went all in on the infect plan, a timely path followed by an O stone meant that he wasn’t able to get lethal on me and I was able to get this game.
Sideboard: Out: -2 Relic -2 Ugin - 1 Sundering In: +2 Warping +3 Nature's Claim ---- The reasoning here was simple, the 5 cards I sided out do close to nothing and the 5 I sided in align with my gameplan, stall, board wipe and rebuild. (same as Affinity earlier)
G2: After a mulligan, he kept a slow hand, I had 2 tron, search, 0 stone and a claim. This was compounded by the fact he stumbled a little and it didn’t take long to close it out.
Record: 9-3
Round 13 (Mono Blue Tron):
G1: Turn 3 Karn on the play, he didn’t counter it and from there it was basically over – wasn’t much to that game.
Sideboarding: Out: -1 Sundering titan In: +1 crucible ---- I didn’t see any blue so I didn’t know that it was actually mono U tron, he scooped after the karn taking 2 of his lands followed by a GQ. So I boarded how I thought best for Tron.
G2: This game went a lot longer, I ghost quatered him earlier and was able to get tron, but before I could establish a play he ghost quartered me back. He then followed up with a spreading sea. Thankfully I was able to find that tron piece again and start jamming threats, eventually finding a map and found sanctum of ugin. I jammed a world breaker, turning his tron off and getting me an Ulamog. From here the game collapsed and it took a while but he extended the hand.
Record 10-3:
Round 14 (Jund):
G1: I kept a bit of a slower hand, Tron by turn 4, my opponent plays 2 dark confidants and proceeds to follow up with a Liliana. This created a very hard match and it ended up with him on 2 before I won the game, having 60-70% of cards flipped as land saved him. Couldn’t do too much here.
Sideboarding: Out: -1 Relic In: +1 Crucible --- I didn’t want too much to change as the matchup is already good, you are just hoping you can undo some flum damage with crucible and hope they don’t have a surgical. Relic is still good here, but I felt like it was probably the thing I felt the most comfortable taking out, I still had 1 mainboard and was happy with that.
G2: My opponent mulligans to 5, and gets quite a nice 5 with dark confidant helping undo the mulligan. I get a Karn out turn 3 or 4 and go rid of the dark confidant, a bolt finished off my Karn. I proceeded to sundering titan my opponent, he then terminated it, he had 1 dark confident but had 0 lands. He hit me a few times and eventually I dropped to 2 but I played a Wurmcoil to stabilise, unless he had a bolt and I was dead. He drew for turn (only had a swamp in play) and he plays a raging ravine. I get another tron land and can get rid of a threat, the red source and swing with Wurmcoil for 6. I stabilise and close the game down within 2 turns.
G3: Opponent manages to get a dark confidant and I get tron and Karn one of his lands, he follows up with a pithing needle, naming Karn. I get down to 3 life and I manage to get an ulamog, exiling his red land for bolts and pithing, so Karn could exile his Tarmo. He didn’t have any red sources left from a sundering earlier and fetches couldn’t help. The game was over in another 2-3 turns.
I felt like this was a much harder game for my opponent as he didn’t see any fluminators or surgicals (or both) but after we had a disagreement on life totals (a judge resolved it), my opponent did not seem to want to be friendly. After clutching game 2, I said after shuffling up that I am sorry we had a disagreement on life totals and such, but I hope we can have a good game this time and wished him the best of luck. His response was “yeah k” (or something to that effect)… If there was ever a time to believe in Karma and after I lucked out of game 3, I felt like it was possible. If someone wishes you luck, please wish them luck back – We are all playing the same game we love, let’s keep a better community vibe going !
Record 11-3 (felt bad as my opponent was still live at 11-2 going into that round)
Round 15 (Jund Deaths Shadow):
G1: He played two goyfs, I cracked an Ostone, he followed up with 3 deaths shadow in the one turn whilst being on 8 life. Safe to say that was a quick GG.
Sideboarding: Sideboarding: Out: -1 Relic In: +1 Crucible --- I didn’t want too much to change as the matchup is already good, you are just hoping you can undo some flum damage with crucible and hope they don’t have a surgical. Relic is still good here, but I felt like it was probably the thing I felt the most comfortable taking out, I still had 1 mainboard and was happy with that.
This was something in hindsight I would of changed and I probably gave a bit too much oversight to. I hadn’t had much experience in this matchup since the bannings and I probably would of liked the leylines in as it stops throughseize effects and turns off a lot of cards/life loss to make the deaths more potent.
G2: This game seemed to go for ages, exchanging resources, fluminators on my tron, when I got it back, he had a K command to deal with it. This repeated until eventually I had 3 threats (Titan, ulamog, ugin) but no way to play them as I was on 5/6 mana. He top decks a deaths shadow and he is on 1, I am on 13. I draw an irrelevant for the turn and he crashes in for 12, its 1 to 1. I get a star for turn, a crowd had formed at this point as we were on the top 15 tables. I crack the star and say, “I will add a white” (Thinking path of bust), I proceed to draw a path and everyone in the crowd takes a deep, deep breath. I path as he attacks and my next draw is the missing tron land and I play Ugin and ping him for the game.
G3: Game 2 took so long that this game doesn’t get too far, I am no longer playing for a win but merely playing for a draw. I see that I am stuck on lands a bit, got fluminatored. Got a O stone on board ready to crack. Find the next land to crack it, reset board and eventually turns makes it a draw.
Record: End the day on 11-3-1 and take out 24th place of Brisbane GP.
I felt pretty good about my finish and whilst it wasn’t the glorious Top 8, it was still a really good effort especially with how the Day 1 started and how Day 2 started. I got some cash and some pro points and had a smile on my face.
It was important for me to keep in mind that due to personal reasons I had been out of the game for 1 year and that I only came back 3 weeks before the GP. Doing this well for me meant that I still had it, something, whatever it may be and it was time to keep going. Hopefully I can keep going and make America great again… or you know just do well at magic?
My honest feeling on modern for the weekend was that it was “anyone’s game” and after finishing the weekend I believe it even more than I did before. People are going to play whatever they have in modern and even people with 2-3 decks are still somewhat limited. They are not going to snap change because their deck went from tier 1 down to 2, or tier 2 / 3 down to 3 / 4, they will continue to jam it and try adjust it for meta, so you can possibly fact everything and anything.
Pick a deck with free wins. This sounds obvious but I think with the way modern is right now, free wins are so important. The amount of games that a turn 3 karn, followed up by an ugin/ulamog etc was GG lead to games that were just free. After looking around the room and watching others/discussing with others afterwards/looking at my groups experience, there was definitely a theme that enabled people to do “better than average” or even cash just based on a free win deck. Strategies that are more fair did not seem to be able to compete with unfair strategies.
Play blood moons, play affinity and turn 3 nut your opponent, Ad Nas your opponent and GG it right then and therefore, force them to have the answer because often they won’t. This doesn’t mean that the fairer decks are bad or will not continue to do well with the right pilots but the experiences were that a lot of great players that lost to subpar players on the more unfair strategies. If your go to deck that you have played for years is available, jamming it can be fine because of the experience you have to get correct lines at most/all points in the game.
What would I change and why moving forward:
I think the maindeck 60 performed very, very well. I think I would be happy to lock this in for where I would stay. The only slight change there may be world breaker over titan depending on more/less multi-coloured decks are popular.
The sideboard is probably where I would make the most changes and if I am honest I would probably change them, take it to a tournament and change them again, and repeat this process for a while because Tron has a few weaknesses we want to cover – it is going to help if you dodge the ones you didn’t prepare for during the day.
I would do the following based on my experience + meta:
-4 Leyline of Sanctity +2 timely reinforcements +2 Surgical extraction
-2 Blessed alliance +2 Surgical extraction
I would probably try the bottom one first because of how I see the meta going. I think that surgical is a very powerful card and really goes to work in certain matchups. I felt like I needed a better way to win the mirror, it won’t help a lot but because it can help with control strategies as well, I feel like I am happy to remove some “burn” sideboard to accommodate this. Burn feels like it isn’t in the best spot now in the meta and whilst I believe tron should prepare for it, I think we need to starting removing some of the burn protection, help other matchups and hope to avoid the burn.
With the sudden rise of deaths shadow aggro, I don’t mind leylines out of the board. I think that having a way to stop them getting their life total lower and stop them stripping our hands can go a long way. An early strip on an ugin or O Stone can often be the difference between winning and losing and keeping hands without these cards do not feel safe. If you are able to Leyline and keep one of these answers to their earlier board, you feel in a good position to beat this. Keep in mind that they often don’t board in any enchantment removal against you either and it is likely going to cause them to get a clog of useless cards in their hand if you leyline.
I do believe that blessed alliance under performed for me over the weekend but I am not sold it is a bad sideboard card. The reason I had it in the sideboard was for two match-ups that are not great for Tron; infect and burn. Fortunately, I dodged these two decks throughout the day and maybe my takeaway would be a little different if I had on this card, however I think surgical is still going to be more relevant over the course of a GP with the current Meta.
Final Words:
Thanks for reading my tournament report and I hope that you guys enjoyed it. If you have any questions or want to discuss anything please feel free to comment or ask me a question, PM is available too and I will aim to reply to everything.
submitted by BlessedAutumn to ModernMagic [link] [comments]

[Modern][Tournament Report] GP Brisbane tournament report for 24th place finish with G/W Tron

Hi Everyone,
Last weekend I had the pleasure of travelling to Brisbane GP with a bunch of friends and playing an interesting, surprise filled magic tournament and I thought I would share my experience with you. Please see below for some headings in the event you want to skip to certain points:
Background - Intro/Deck decisions/List I ended up on Tournament - 15 rounds and what happened in them. Conclusion - Thoughts of event/What would I change/Overall takes from GP
Myself and a few friends flew into Brisbane on a bright and sunny day with only 1 purpose in mind - Finding some burgers, fries and beer. After a hike around an unknown city and some sub-optimal GPS-ing by a friend this was easily accomplished - Let’s just say that there was plenty of food on 'the stack' and my stomach was happy to let it resolve. We went back to the hotel, got a few beers and got some sleep awaiting a busy Friday where I hoped to score my 2 byes (personal break took me out for a year so no planeswalker point byes) and see how I felt about deck choices and the field.
Friday started horribly for my infect deck as I got nut drawed out by Bant Eldrazi but I wasn't ready to give up yet, nut draws happen and you cannot accommodate for them. I started my next grinder (not sure if this term is used elsewhere for the GPT style events day before GP) and proceeded to go 4-0. This was perfect, I now had 2 byes for the GP and this was amazing... until it wasn't. I was informed that although it was advertised as go "4-0" in a grinder with more than 21 people in it, you got byes was not correct - You had to battle the other 4-0's for the byes and well of course one of my worse match ups and some mulligans ensured I was not going into GP Brisbane with any BYES. I was a little salty as per the advertising I thought I had locked byes - not a good start but I had to move on.
I sat down with a friend I was travelling with and discussed the state of infect with him based on my experiences and my friend could tell it was not what I wanted to be doing for this GP - Why: The 'free wins' you once got with the deck usually in G1 were not as easy in a world of fatal push and wide creature decks like CoCo. It felt like much more of a grind and I felt myself too many times thinking "Topdeck, cmon, Topdeck!" or "Please no removal, please brick!" and that's not where I like to be when playing magic, especially over 15 rounds. My friend knew that I liked Tron as my "old faithful" in modern but I had let my girlfriend who has only recently started modern play it and it was all she knew and wanted it for GP. Whilst I am competitive I do not believe in breaking hearts - only the occasional dream crushing within the tournament (LOL)! My friend thought for a moment and said, "I have all the mainboard besides 1 Oblivion Stone... get that and your intended sideboard and let’s get you on it for tomorrow". My eyes lit up and it was getting late so I rushed off to the vendors, making it rain with the dollar bills like I was all up in a club ready for a good time... We don't have dollar bills we only have dollar coins, safe to say a few people may have not enjoyed that "rain" being made.
Everyone has their version of a guardian angel or a knight in shining armour... mine was better described as a bearded wizard, just under 6ft with a foil miracles legacy deck that seemed to win by being overly shiny and full of value rather than solid magic play - Okay, maybe I was a little jealous of it too!
Some discussion of the meta, some banter and a few beers later ... followed by a few more beers and this was the list I sleeved up:
2 Ugin, the Spirit Dragon 4 Karn Liberated 1 Walking Ballista 1 Sundering Titan 2 Wurmcoil Engine 2 Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger 1 World Breaker 4 Sylvan Scrying 4 Ancient Stirrings 3 Path to Exile 2 Relic of Progenitus 4 Expedition Map 4 Chromatic Star 4 Chromatic Sphere 3 Oblivion Stone 4 Brushland 4 Urza's Tower 4 Urza's Mine 4 Urza's Power Plant 1 Sanctum of Ugin 1 Ghost Quarter 1 Forest
3 Nature's Claim 1 Crucible of Worlds 1 Emrakul, the Aeons Torn 2 Thragtusk 2 Warping Wail 2 Blessed Alliance 4 Leyline of Sanctity
Whilst this isn't what most would consider a "vanilla list" of this deck I made a few "spicy adjustments" for what I had observed the day before; greedy mana bases and lots of burn. This is how Sundering Titan got in the list and why I ran 4 Leylines in the board - 1 of Walling Ballista was replacing a spellskite which I believed dropped some of its relevance in the Meta and seemed like an easy swap. Only time would tell, but I felt like my list had a plan - Sometimes it is better to have a plan and aim to execute it than go in blind and hope whatever you do 'just works'.
I have done my best to remember as much as I can from the event. Whilst exact details may be off, the main understanding of how the game went and how I side-boarded should be very close if not exactly what happened.
DAY 1:
Round 1 (Unknown):
I look at my pairings and notice my opponent is someone that I know who plays in the same area as me back home - He is a decent player and won't be getting the free wins from him... or would I?
10 minutes in and he didn't show up - I got the win (free) and whilst I was happy I got essentially a BYE, I was concerned as whilst he wasn't a close friend he wasn't someone I would think would just not show up.
I was worried and asked people who knew him and they had no idea, the worry grew but I had a GP to focus on (turns out he was overseas last minute and couldn't make it - Thanks for the BYE).
Record: 1-0
Round 2 (Soul Sisters):
We start shuffling up and getting ready for the game and I present back my opponents deck to him. Moments later my opponent says, "Oops" and spills my deck across the table clearly revealing enough of the deck that my opponent knew what I was on. A judge ruled in the favour of "assuming accidental" and whilst it probably was it did not feel great.
G1: He keeps a rather aggressive hand with lots of hawks and anthems and I am on the draw, I can get to Karn but it is too late and I don't have a board wipe or anything to follow up Karn.
Sideboarding: Out: -2 Wurmcoil -2 Relic -1 Sundering Titan In: +2 Thragtusk +2 warping wail + 1 Nature's claim ---- The thoughts here was relic didn't do much, warping dealt with creatures early and due to Path the instant lifegain from Thrag would probably buy me enough time for executing my plan in the event he had an aggressive start again. The 1 of nature's claim was a fill slot because of what I took out, potentially getting me some life off my own artifacts or stopping of the anthems.
G2: Not a fast tron start but a decent amount of dig and search and a path + O Stone, I path early, search and dig, eventually getting O Stone and then Ulamog to finish it quickly.
G3: Natural Tron with an Ugin and an O Stone - I felt fairly confident this was a win and it didn't take long for my opponent to prove this to me.
Sidenote: I would never say that my opponent is cheating, but after a few rounds and finding out the "oops drop deck" routine had happened to a few friends already I was a little more cautious. Accident or not, it is not a nice feeling especially in some Match Ups having this information known to your opponent. Not everyone is custom to calling judges and sometimes people will do this till they get a warning then stop it.
Record: 2-0
Round 3 (Nahiri Control):
G1: Natural Tron but no threats - I draw only 3 threats throughout the game and 2 are met with a counterspell and 1 with a path. We grinded for quite a while to get a result and I was just drawing lands and search spells - safe to say the station had run out of gas!
Sideboarding: Out: -2 Path In: +1 Crucible +1 Emrakul ---- The thoughts here are that path wasn't going to have many targets and incase of flum/GQ, crucible would help and Emrakul in case it grinded out and I wanted a way to win.
G2: He kept an aggressive hand with Giest and Snaps, but I had an Ostone and 2 tron pieces with some search to blow up that game plan. After wiping his board, karn into Ugin quickly got him to scoop.
G3: On the draw and I had to mulligan to 5 - This was looking like a loss. I had to keep 2 tron lands, 2 O Stones and a Karn. - The luck was in my favour and I got the 3rd tron land off the top and my opponent kept a double giest hand. After putting him off a low mana hand, I O stoned his board, placed another O stone with threat of activation which he played giest into and after a sanctum of ugin + karn I could clear his board, untap karn his land, search another tower, use the ulamog I got off Sanctum and he ended the game with 0 lands. It was a mulligan to 5, but lady luck was on my side.
Record: 3-0
Round 4 (Affinity):
G1: I mulled to 6 on the draw and kept a "turn 4" tron hand, but my opponent had the turn 3/4 infect kill and it was all a bit too late.
Sideboarding: Out: -2 Relic -2 Ugin - 1 Sundering In: +2 Warping +3 Nature's Claim ---- The reasoning here was simple, the 5 cards I sided out do close to nothing and the 5 I sided in align with my gameplan, stall, board wipe and rebuild.
G2: My sideboard plan meant very little after a mull to 6, got turn 3 O stone + a bit of dig ready for turn 4 but double cranial ensured this did not happen.
Record 3-1
Round 5 (G/W Hatebears - Mostly white though):
G1: I got on the play and got a very quick karn and he got a vial, he was able to get in a thalia before I karn -3 the vial and then ugin next turn to deal with the singular creatures entering the battlefield.
Sideboard: Out: -2 relic -2 Wurmcoil -1 Sundering Titan In: +2 Thragtusk +2 Nature's claim,, +1 Crucible of worlds ---- The reasoning I used here was that wurmcoil being pathed makes life irrelevant, Thragtask can creatre an additional body and give me some life immediately, claim to help beat vial/target my own things to survive and crucible for their onslaught of ghost quarters and possible Tectonic.
G2: Fast hand with multiple ghost quarters and a vial - He had the pressure and the ways to slow me down, easy win for my opponent.
G3: My opponent mulls to 5 and keeps a 1 lander, whilst my hand wasn't super quick and was hoping to stop the early vial, had O Stone waiting and stars/spheres to dig, the 1 lander proved very problematic for my opponent and whilst I stumbled, he stumbled much harder.
My opponent was very favoured to win here and unfortunately some bad RNG got him good, I showed my sympathy towards my opponent and let him give me his "I had you if" story because truth be told he should of had me.
Record 4-1
Round 6 (Tron G/B):
G1: Unknown Match up, I keep a slower hand, my opponent kept natural tron and 3 maps + 1 star (approx), he GQ's me off a map search and proceeds to get his tron online, finding a karn before T4 Tron and using sanctum of ugin to ensure I had to lands to continue the game.
Sideboard: Out: -1 Sundering Titan -2 Ugin In: +2 Thragtusk +1 Crucible ---- I didn't prepare my sideboard for Tron mirrors mainly because of how hopeless ANY sideboard planned for it can be, T3 karns and play/draw seem to get this match up worked out without sideboard being seen much to have any huge effect, so my SB was focused on other match-ups and not this one. Thragtusk was a better threat and crucible to get my lands back after a ghost quarter.
G2: Play a tower and sphere pass, he ghost quarters + surgicals my tower. This isn't looking good. He then plays two tron pieces and a map, into crucible for ghost quarter rinse repeat whilst still being able to deploy threats. This was a quick loss and I didn't feel there was much I could do.
Record: 4-2
Round 7 (G TitanShift):
G1: My Opponent got the play and whilst he was looking on curve to win the game, a turn 3 Karn stalled this plan slightly. Eventually he got out a titan but I pathed it and GQ’d one of his valakut’s to reduce the amount of damage I took. He stumbled for 2 turns and an Ulamog was able to close out the game. I think I got lucky he didn’t have a scapeshift.
Sideboarding: Out: -2 Relic – 3 O stone In: +1 crucible, +4 Leyline ---- The reasoning here was that leyline demanded an answer and he might not have brought in enchant removal. Crucible allows me to cycle ghost quarters keeping them off land and I didn’t feel like O stone was getting much besides Titan which path was able to get and relic was just a draw card in this match-up.
G2: Leyline in opener, stumbled on 1 tron land for 4 turns, eventually getting a star to get another land and then eventually stirrings for the next land into a Karn and eventually ulamog. Kind of got lucky here, whilst I stumbled my opponent couldn’t get through Leyline and had no titan to get in early enough.
After the game, I asked if he had an answer for leyline or he just didn’t expect it, he said he had 3 natures claims. He checked in front of me, 3 out of 6 bottom cards of the deck where claims… Shame he didn’t sac his tribe elders instead of pressuring me with them lol. Unfortunately, my bad luck was not as bad as his and it got me the win.
Record: 5-2
Round 8 (Affinity):
G1: I had two tron pieces, a karn, an O stone and 2 stars and started digging. I managed to get tron online as my opponent threw his hand at me early but cracked the O stone on 2 life to stabilise. I managed get all his artifacts and therefore his glimmervoid died. His land held him from being that little bit more explosive. Applied more pressure with wurmcoil and it was over.
Sideboarding: Out: -2 Relic -2 Ugin - 1 Sundering In: +2 Warping +3 Nature's Claim ---- The reasoning here was simple, the 5 cards I sided out do close to nothing and the 5 I sided in align with my gameplan, stall, board wipe and rebuild. (same as Affinity earlier)
G2: He kept a slow hand against me and I was able to nature’s claim early to avoid cranial plating/steel overseer pressure. I kept a no tron land hand, but it had green mana, 2 scryings, 2 stars and a nature’s claim. I felt like I had plenty of looks and eventual tron and that’s how it curved out. I stabilised with enough life to get back into it, ulamog got rid of the serious threats with a nature’s claim incase anything went wrong. I made him mill the 20 and saw a blood moon, clearly, I dodged a bullet on that one.
Record 6-2
Round 9 (Grixis Control):
G1: My opponent was on the draw and kept a hand with a lot of cantrip but not a lot of actual gas. I was able to get turn 3 karn, turn 4 sundering and 2-3 turns later an ulamog. This game didn’t have much interaction because most of his turns were spent using his cantrips. I had a pretty crazy hand, but I think maybe his nerves got to him and he didn’t keep an optimal hand – there was no pay off. Sure it may not have been a throwback 100% but I felt like going into an unknown matchup it was too risky.
Sideboarding: Out: -1 Walking Ballista In: +1 Crucible ---- I didn’t feel like I could do much but hope I could get back lands with crucible. I didn’t feel like walking ballista did much against a kolaghans command and was too slow.
G2: He kept a much more aggressive hand, building a graveyard into a tasigur. I was able to path the tasigur and resolve a relic which ensured I wasn’t getting blown out again. He cast a fulminator mage and disrupted tron, I followed up with a map and got a world breaker, getting rid of a land. I had a karn in hand and a sanctum of ugin and proceeded to get a sundering titan. He didn’t counter Karn and I knew sundering titan should lock it. I was unsure if I should of got an ulamog here, but if he logically went for tower, finding 1 tower was going to be bad enough, the extra 2 over titan seemed worse. He lost a fair few too many lands and terminated by sundering. He wasn’t happy with the result but my karn got bolted and my sundering was gone. I eventually got a crucible, got back a sanctum, cast a karn that was countered but got an ulamog and finished out the game after he spent 2 turns chumping on 2 mana with snapcasters. I was able to get another ulamog off crucible + sanctum, but he wouldn’t give up in the last round. Eventually I got there and finished the day off.
Record 7-2
Finished Day 1 at 7-2 and was happy that I came back from some rather unfortunate loses.
My friends had bombed out and wanted to go Casino, I decided to go and unfortunately, I went to bed quite late but it was heaps of fun and I felt like there was no weight on my shoulders. I had a good night and win or lose, still made day 2!
Day 2:
Round 10 (Eldrazi Tron):
G1: Turn 3 karn with natural tron into turn 4 Ulamog, I had the nut, what more can I say.
Sideboarding: Out: -2 ugin – 1 sundering titan In: +2 Natures +1 crucible ---- This was a similar reasoning to the tron debate earlier, I didn’t put in extra hate like surgicals as I didn’t think it was the best place to focus on during my 75 build. I want crucible in case he had ghost quarter with no back up surgical. 2 natures were for his crucible and also possible pithing needle.
G2: He got on the play and had a GQ + surgical and proceeded to play a crucible and locked me out by turn 3-4. Not much I can do. He used his 3 mana to play mindstones whilst keeping me GQ locked and eventually was able to cast his TKS and Smashers.
G3: This was probably my most unlucky game of magic in a very long time/ever. He got an early ghost quarter and surgical but didn’t have additional mana to back it up. I was sitting on 6 mana with 2 karns in hand and just needed any land to exile his 1 temple on the board and lock out the game. I had a thrag on board to apply pressure.
9 turns later I had not drawn a land and my opponent had gotten, land into mindstone into TKS, into crucible into TKS into land into smasher. I had an open window of 2-3 turns where he did nothing, but after turn 3 of this back and forth back pray for top deck, he started getting the gas and I was getting the wrong half of my deck. My window got smaller and smaller and eventually he was able to lock it down and take the win. Not a good start to day 2 at all.
Record 7-3
Round 11 (Elves):
G1: Search into turn 3 tron, turn 4 I pop off an O stone and he had a relatively slower start. I followed it up with an Ugin to wipe the board again. He was on 1 card and unfortunately was unable to get back after that.
Sideboarding: Out: -1 Sundering -2 Wurmcoil -1 relic In: +2 thragtusk + 2 warping wail ---- The reasoning here was that my opponent was playing a white splash and I felt like Thragtask provided a better alternative if being pathed to wurmcoil. Sundering and relic are rather useless so they went for warping on some of the problematic elves. I kept 1 relic over keeping in 1 wurmcoil as a way to dig further in the deck, this was about board wiping and finding them quick.
G2: I kept a 2 tron land hand, karn and some stars, but no board wipe at all. I knew I had to keep it as it was too good to throw back, but If he got fast it could end bad. As I was digging for my tron lands, I got tron to play turn 3 karn. As I cast Karn on turn 3, my opponent chords and gets a revoker, naming karn and shutting down that plan. I play a tower for turn and draw a star. I went star into stirrings and used stirrings to find the world breaker. I targeted the revoker and was able to use karn again, getting rid of one of the lords. After him playing a few dudes I eventually got an ulamog and he had 1-2 lands and no real board. He scooped and we parted ways.
When I milled him with Ulamog, I saw that he had a Gaddock Teeg in his deck. I was curious as to why he did not chord in his own turn, getting Gaddock and preventing me from having any play but path + follow up or an O Stone. I think this was probably a misplay from my opponent and probably caused him to lose this game. But I’ll take a win where I can get one. Record 8-3
Round 12 (Affinity):
G1: My opponent saw tron and went all in on the infect plan, a timely path followed by an O stone meant that he wasn’t able to get lethal on me and I was able to get this game.
Sideboard: Out: -2 Relic -2 Ugin - 1 Sundering In: +2 Warping +3 Nature's Claim ---- The reasoning here was simple, the 5 cards I sided out do close to nothing and the 5 I sided in align with my gameplan, stall, board wipe and rebuild. (same as Affinity earlier)
G2: After a mulligan, he kept a slow hand, I had 2 tron, search, 0 stone and a claim. This was compounded by the fact he stumbled a little and it didn’t take long to close it out.
Record: 9-3
Round 13 (Mono Blue Tron):
G1: Turn 3 Karn on the play, he didn’t counter it and from there it was basically over – wasn’t much to that game.
Sideboarding: Out: -1 Sundering titan In: +1 crucible ---- I didn’t see any blue so I didn’t know that it was actually mono U tron, he scooped after the karn taking 2 of his lands followed by a GQ. So I boarded how I thought best for Tron.
G2: This game went a lot longer, I ghost quatered him earlier and was able to get tron, but before I could establish a play he ghost quartered me back. He then followed up with a spreading sea. Thankfully I was able to find that tron piece again and start jamming threats, eventually finding a map and found sanctum of ugin. I jammed a world breaker, turning his tron off and getting me an Ulamog. From here the game collapsed and it took a while but he extended the hand.
Record 10-3:
Round 14 (Jund):
G1: I kept a bit of a slower hand, Tron by turn 4, my opponent plays 2 dark confidants and proceeds to follow up with a Liliana. This created a very hard match and it ended up with him on 2 before I won the game, having 60-70% of cards flipped as land saved him. Couldn’t do too much here.
Sideboarding: Out: -1 Relic In: +1 Crucible --- I didn’t want too much to change as the matchup is already good, you are just hoping you can undo some flum damage with crucible and hope they don’t have a surgical. Relic is still good here, but I felt like it was probably the thing I felt the most comfortable taking out, I still had 1 mainboard and was happy with that.
G2: My opponent mulligans to 5, and gets quite a nice 5 with dark confidant helping undo the mulligan. I get a Karn out turn 3 or 4 and go rid of the dark confidant, a bolt finished off my Karn. I proceeded to sundering titan my opponent, he then terminated it, he had 1 dark confident but had 0 lands. He hit me a few times and eventually I dropped to 2 but I played a Wurmcoil to stabilise, unless he had a bolt and I was dead. He drew for turn (only had a swamp in play) and he plays a raging ravine. I get another tron land and can get rid of a threat, the red source and swing with Wurmcoil for 6. I stabilise and close the game down within 2 turns.
G3: Opponent manages to get a dark confidant and I get tron and Karn one of his lands, he follows up with a pithing needle, naming Karn. I get down to 3 life and I manage to get an ulamog, exiling his red land for bolts and pithing, so Karn could exile his Tarmo. He didn’t have any red sources left from a sundering earlier and fetches couldn’t help. The game was over in another 2-3 turns.
I felt like this was a much harder game for my opponent as he didn’t see any fluminators or surgicals (or both) but after we had a disagreement on life totals (a judge resolved it), my opponent did not seem to want to be friendly. After clutching game 2, I said after shuffling up that I am sorry we had a disagreement on life totals and such, but I hope we can have a good game this time and wished him the best of luck. His response was “yeah k” (or something to that effect)… If there was ever a time to believe in Karma and after I lucked out of game 3, I felt like it was possible. If someone wishes you luck, please wish them luck back – We are all playing the same game we love, let’s keep a better community vibe going !
Record 11-3 (felt bad as my opponent was still live at 11-2 going into that round)
Round 15 (Jund Deaths Shadow):
G1: He played two goyfs, I cracked an Ostone, he followed up with 3 deaths shadow in the one turn whilst being on 8 life. Safe to say that was a quick GG.
Sideboarding: Sideboarding: Out: -1 Relic In: +1 Crucible --- I didn’t want too much to change as the matchup is already good, you are just hoping you can undo some flum damage with crucible and hope they don’t have a surgical. Relic is still good here, but I felt like it was probably the thing I felt the most comfortable taking out, I still had 1 mainboard and was happy with that.
This was something in hindsight I would of changed and I probably gave a bit too much oversight to. I hadn’t had much experience in this matchup since the bannings and I probably would of liked the leylines in as it stops throughseize effects and turns off a lot of cards/life loss to make the deaths more potent.
G2: This game seemed to go for ages, exchanging resources, fluminators on my tron, when I got it back, he had a K command to deal with it. This repeated until eventually I had 3 threats (Titan, ulamog, ugin) but no way to play them as I was on 5/6 mana. He top decks a deaths shadow and he is on 1, I am on 13. I draw an irrelevant for the turn and he crashes in for 12, its 1 to 1. I get a star for turn, a crowd had formed at this point as we were on the top 15 tables. I crack the star and say, “I will add a white” (Thinking path of bust), I proceed to draw a path and everyone in the crowd takes a deep, deep breath. I path as he attacks and my next draw is the missing tron land and I play Ugin and ping him for the game.
G3: Game 2 took so long that this game doesn’t get too far, I am no longer playing for a win but merely playing for a draw. I see that I am stuck on lands a bit, got fluminatored. Got a O stone on board ready to crack. Find the next land to crack it, reset board and eventually turns makes it a draw.
Record: End the day on 11-3-1 and take out 24th place of Brisbane GP.
I felt pretty good about my finish and whilst it wasn’t the glorious Top 8, it was still a really good effort especially with how the Day 1 started and how Day 2 started. I got some cash and some pro points and had a smile on my face.
It was important for me to keep in mind that due to personal reasons I had been out of the game for 1 year and that I only came back 3 weeks before the GP. Doing this well for me meant that I still had it, something, whatever it may be and it was time to keep going. Hopefully I can keep going and make America great again… or you know just do well at magic?
My honest feeling on modern for the weekend was that it was “anyone’s game” and after finishing the weekend I believe it even more than I did before. People are going to play whatever they have in modern and even people with 2-3 decks are still somewhat limited. They are not going to snap change because their deck went from tier 1 down to 2, or tier 2 / 3 down to 3 / 4, they will continue to jam it and try adjust it for meta, so you can possibly fact everything and anything.
Pick a deck with free wins. This sounds obvious but I think with the way modern is right now, free wins are so important. The amount of games that a turn 3 karn, followed up by an ugin/ulamog etc was GG lead to games that were just free. After looking around the room and watching others/discussing with others afterwards/looking at my groups experience, there was definitely a theme that enabled people to do “better than average” or even cash just based on a free win deck. Strategies that are more fair did not seem to be able to compete with unfair strategies.
Play blood moons, play affinity and turn 3 nut your opponent, Ad Nas your opponent and GG it right then and therefore, force them to have the answer because often they won’t. This doesn’t mean that the fairer decks are bad or will not continue to do well with the right pilots but the experiences were that a lot of great players that lost to subpar players on the more unfair strategies. If your go to deck that you have played for years is available, jamming it can be fine because of the experience you have to get correct lines at most/all points in the game.
What would I change and why moving forward:
I think the maindeck 60 performed very, very well. I think I would be happy to lock this in for where I would stay. The only slight change there may be world breaker over titan depending on more/less multi-coloured decks are popular.
The sideboard is probably where I would make the most changes and if I am honest I would probably change them, take it to a tournament and change them again, and repeat this process for a while because Tron has a few weaknesses we want to cover – it is going to help if you dodge the ones you didn’t prepare for during the day.
I would do the following based on my experience + meta:
-4 Leyline of Sanctity +2 timely reinforcements +2 Surgical extraction
-2 Blessed alliance +2 Surgical extraction
I would probably try the bottom one first because of how I see the meta going. I think that surgical is a very powerful card and really goes to work in certain matchups. I felt like I needed a better way to win the mirror, it won’t help a lot but because it can help with control strategies as well, I feel like I am happy to remove some “burn” sideboard to accommodate this. Burn feels like it isn’t in the best spot now in the meta and whilst I believe tron should prepare for it, I think we need to starting removing some of the burn protection, help other matchups and hope to avoid the burn.
With the sudden rise of deaths shadow aggro, I don’t mind leylines out of the board. I think that having a way to stop them getting their life total lower and stop them stripping our hands can go a long way. An early strip on an ugin or O Stone can often be the difference between winning and losing and keeping hands without these cards do not feel safe. If you are able to Leyline and keep one of these answers to their earlier board, you feel in a good position to beat this. Keep in mind that they often don’t board in any enchantment removal against you either and it is likely going to cause them to get a clog of useless cards in their hand if you leyline.
I do believe that blessed alliance under performed for me over the weekend but I am not sold it is a bad sideboard card. The reason I had it in the sideboard was for two match-ups that are not great for Tron; infect and burn. Fortunately, I dodged these two decks throughout the day and maybe my takeaway would be a little different if I had on this card, however I think surgical is still going to be more relevant over the course of a GP with the current Meta.
Final Words:
Thanks for reading my tournament report and I hope that you guys enjoyed it. If you have any questions or want to discuss anything please feel free to comment or ask me a question, PM is available too and I will aim to reply to everything.
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