Statistics on online gambling in the UK - London Post

uk gambling statistics 2018

uk gambling statistics 2018 - win

Why modern society is still strongly neofeudal.

The media is one of the Five Eyes (Orwell's Nineteen Eighty Four) of the state, or should we say the predatory capitalist elite and their corporate legal entities veiling their legal persons; and feudalism is alive and well expressed in more colour than ever - advertising and marketing, consolidation of power (purchasing of smaller corporations, producing monstrous shady entities like Tencent), incredibly hawkish startups like Fiverr, UbeLyft, Cameo where the company in question barely even does anything; the right wing "think tanks" that sing the hymn of freemarket fundamentalism, the Nobel Peace Prize that Obama absurdly won (Nobel Prize - mentioned in that Living Color song), the odd yet uncontested way that some TV shows put in more right wing guests than left (BBCQT inviting establishment stooges like Kate Andrews (IEA / Adam Smith Institute) and Isabel Oakeshott), the open neofeudal style by which bosses can fire staff and make up a reason without it necessarily being taken to court (the UK govt played with removing funding for wrongful dismissal cases), the initial turning down of the proposed uk law to make homes fit for human habitation (now finally here for 2020); the general trend of corporations shoving all the risk on the consumer and leaning as much as possible on socialized support thanks to the calculating thinkers working for corporations; the fact that truly left-leaning (not liberal) narrative is never referenced on space-age TV, the likes of which span hundreds of potential channels continuously each day; the fact that we are over 50 years into space-age technology and yet everything beyond computer hardware is firmly chokeheld by private interests seeking to impose an alien power over others for personal gain; the fact that everyone is affected by the way that the popular crowd is drawn to celebrity influence (neofeudalism by any other name, and the cult of personality); the fact that jobs are gated by even subtle presumptive aspects like your accent in what we call in the UK the "glass ceiling"; the irresponsible flooding and underinvesting of the job market by governments that can only see as far as their kickback pay packet; the extent to which music and video game media can be financially elevated without legal restraint (unlike gambling which is at least in the formal/technical sense regulated); the attitudes from product pushers being that they should be immune to criticism or shake it off at every turn, under the river of praise from MBTI Sensing-Perceiving types (artwork and memes and mythos mind a la suspense of disbelief rather than logos thought a la conscious self-awareness and critical evaluation) and by "online reputation management"; the open overt acceptance of power being held over everyone by corporate overlords in the movie industry, video game industry and so on - are we to include then the academic and scientific establishments, and the education institution?; the way that the rich siphoning up wealth from the poor divested communities in greater and greater speed ("money is a means to get wealth - not the wealth itself" —Akala) inherently and invariably means they are accruing more power to embarrass the poor when they encounter them and encumber them systemically and indirectly and take on more sex acts with greater choice by selection (the free market); the fact that the powerful go psychologically and sociologically unchallenged by the common people each day; the fact that figures like this "Jeff Bezos makes 2219 dollars in one second which is double what the average person makes in one week. In one minute Mr. Bezos makes 2219x60=133140 dollars. In one hour Mr. Bezos makes 133140x60=7998400 dollars)." go unconsidered and unchecked and unresearched by most; the fact that there are no interactive programming tools to trace, map and prove the linkage between wealth disparity and all social ills; the lack of people like Jaque Fresco in our world (If memory serves right he had a sit down with the power elite, who would have promptly denied him anything truly leftist in vision); the implicit neofeudal psychological programming that IS advertising; the borrowing and corrupting of natural world semantic meanings for selfish neofeudal aims and means; the direct pipeline from education to military and the mandatory military service which still exists in some countries; the fact that returning a product inherently throws the customer (slave) into suspicion by the seller (master - legal power holder); the very idea of a court system ran by the state and not a jury of 3rd party independent people; the lack of a "fairness and welfare supervisor" in every workplace and the presence of "compliance officer"s; the very "free market" in free market fundamentalism which inevitably and invariably defers to which/whoever market force has the most power (today - money - working capital); the fact that being poor and working in a low pay job literally makes you poorer as you work (in real terms); the predatory and inexcusable nature of gambling; the predatory and inexcusable principle of landlords making money off other poorer humans (it should be the state which intervenes if the state is truly a good state, which we can surmise every government is implicitly claiming of itself by holding power); the lack of naming and shaming of social ills like the Nestle CEO who said water access shouldn't be a human right (God I fucking hate Snopes); the trends of people trying to make money off other people via various scams and the likes of BlackHatWorld and WarriorForum, which are innately neofeudalistic in their function, pointing to a giant pyramid scheme that drags along with the rest of modern capitalism; the innate respect given to media moguls and politicians when they are nothing special; the disrespect and disrepute given to the left wing health services of every nation; the blind acceptance of imposing imagery, themes and connotations left dirtying our minds which we call advertisements; the implicit fraud in denying people growing their own food indoors; that concepts like treason do not for most people extend to The People as an interest group; the incredibly rare use of the justification "For the public interest" and "For the public record"; the fact that the French Revolution is not associated for us in school as the birth of the first human rights (surely a non-feudal society would have no qualms or problems with teaching this truth of human history and progress); being frank about racism being too hot for school; the fact kids are now accessing hardcore pornography but not radical and sometimes dangerous ideologies and thinking; the intellectual and spiritual poverty of our age, and the lack of conscious awareness of what we are doing to ourselves with our time and the mental contents surrounding us (a wise man once said.. you will become what you surround yourself with); the mess of the Internet operated by the modern robber-barons of advertising and web traffic conversion and "upselling"; the open betrayal of the people by governments which can be exposed even in form of statistics and hard truths and evidences; the great silence of modern "intellectuals" and losers like self-help gurus (THE MODERN COURT JESTERS), who couldn't begin to address choice quotes of the great intellectual giants of human history; the platforming of celebrities and people with certain types of contours over their face that are pleasing to look at from every angle, over those humans who are better in substance, expertise, spirituality, etc.; the preservation of neofeudal lord roles in the workplace (the boss), the home (the landlord), the Internet (the website owner or advertisers), the land, parks and golf courses (the land holder or owner), and even the family (the wealth-holder parent(s) you are dependent upon); the appeal to authority; the way a poor person under free market fundamentalism must always choose the product most poorly produced i.e. the most likely to break or malfunction and cause them to lose more money, generally kept within reasonable losses or sunk costs as per investment brokers' "portfolios"; the way that moral and ethical wrong cannot by most people be pinned on day traders, Goldman Sachs starving poor people etc. by the inherent flow of the market, which will always favor the most production of immaterial and material wealth by abstraction. (In other words - although we can't fully know and intuit what will be best to produce in any given scenario, we can actually fundamentally and systemically rule out what will be bad and harmful for society - but not for the market which is the concern of free market fundamentalists); the rise of unpaid internships (strongly neofeudal i.e. the local "lord", the company owner, is "giving you an opportunity" and that's how they see it); the propaganda of war producing poor peoples' children dying for the rich few who control the military-industrial complex and massive amounts of money flowing around for rich interests, e.g. soldiers firing missiles that individually cost more than they earn per year, of course ultimately tied up as a capitalistic move/plot/bid to win more cheap oil; the way that companies are literally designed to offer minimal guarantees, insurances or protections for their workers yet they are keen to take with them each working day most of the material gain produced by each worker (remember I said corporations lean on society?); the protection of "limited liability" companies to lose money, versus the individual people who are enslaved by means of debt they cannot easily erase (this bleeds into a general distrust of the independent person compared to the corporate entity, when the people actually are in earnest and wanting to help one another, except for the psychopathic in society who can be known and traced by their behaviour and early signs in school); the fact that healthcare is not free in all countries despite the common people CONSTANTLY working to uphold the corporate masters and the endlessly rich, some of whom donate money to Internet streamers for a laugh at the shock; the mathematical intuitive rational incompetence of the science establishment, which seems to have no backbone when it comes to neofeudalism and major social issues and ills (they don't even speak up against gambling! WHAT THE FUCK IS THE SCIENTIFIC ESTABLISHMENT DOING AND WHY DO WE NOT PUBLICALLY SHAME THEM AS FRAUDULENT PUBLIC INTELLECTUALS - FOR THE PUBLIC INTEREST AND THE PUBLIC GOOD?) and rather, they seem to be the lapdogs of the elite, continuing to produce inventions which can easily be taken advantage of by the right wing interests - tear gas and rubber bullets for example; the lack of public awareness of state interference in a negative way; the arrival of private police forces; the hierarchy of control of the Internet based on what they call "authority sites" - prioritized by search engines.
(I apologize for the formatting but this was a train of thought.)
submitted by trueseeker2 to DebateCommunism [link] [comments]

Why modern society is still strongly neofeudal.

The media is one of the Five Eyes (Orwell's Nineteen Eighty Four) of the state, or should we say the predatory capitalist elite and their corporate legal entities veiling their legal persons; and feudalism is alive and well expressed in more colour than ever - advertising and marketing, consolidation of power (purchasing of smaller corporations, producing monstrous shady entities like Tencent), incredibly hawkish startups like Fiverr, UbeLyft, Cameo where the company in question barely even does anything; the right wing "think tanks" that sing the hymn of freemarket fundamentalism, the Nobel Peace Prize that Obama absurdly won (Nobel Prize - mentioned in that Living Color song), the odd yet uncontested way that some TV shows put in more right wing guests than left (BBCQT inviting establishment stooges like Kate Andrews (IEA / Adam Smith Institute) and Isabel Oakeshott), the open neofeudal style by which bosses can fire staff and make up a reason without it necessarily being taken to court (the UK govt played with removing funding for wrongful dismissal cases), the initial turning down of the proposed uk law to make homes fit for human habitation (now finally here for 2020); the general trend of corporations shoving all the risk on the consumer and leaning as much as possible on socialized support thanks to the calculating thinkers working for corporations; the fact that truly left-leaning (not liberal) narrative is never referenced on space-age TV, the likes of which span hundreds of potential channels continuously each day; the fact that we are over 50 years into space-age technology and yet everything beyond computer hardware is firmly chokeheld by private interests seeking to impose an alien power over others for personal gain; the fact that everyone is affected by the way that the popular crowd is drawn to celebrity influence (neofeudalism by any other name, and the cult of personality); the fact that jobs are gated by even subtle presumptive aspects like your accent in what we call in the UK the "glass ceiling"; the irresponsible flooding and underinvesting of the job market by governments that can only see as far as their kickback pay packet; the extent to which music and video game media can be financially elevated without legal restraint (unlike gambling which is at least in the formal/technical sense regulated); the attitudes from product pushers being that they should be immune to criticism or shake it off at every turn, under the river of praise from MBTI Sensing-Perceiving types (artwork and memes and mythos mind a la suspense of disbelief rather than logos thought a la conscious self-awareness and critical evaluation) and by "online reputation management"; the open overt acceptance of power being held over everyone by corporate overlords in the movie industry, video game industry and so on - are we to include then the academic and scientific establishments, and the education institution?; the way that the rich siphoning up wealth from the poor divested communities in greater and greater speed ("money is a means to get wealth - not the wealth itself" —Akala) inherently and invariably means they are accruing more power to embarrass the poor when they encounter them and encumber them systemically and indirectly and take on more sex acts with greater choice by selection (the free market); the fact that the powerful go psychologically and sociologically unchallenged by the common people each day; the fact that figures like this "Jeff Bezos makes 2219 dollars in one second which is double what the average person makes in one week. In one minute Mr. Bezos makes 2219x60=133140 dollars. In one hour Mr. Bezos makes 133140x60=7998400 dollars)." go unconsidered and unchecked and unresearched by most; the fact that there are no interactive programming tools to trace, map and prove the linkage between wealth disparity and all social ills; the lack of people like Jaque Fresco in our world (If memory serves right he had a sit down with the power elite, who would have promptly denied him anything truly leftist in vision); the implicit neofeudal psychological programming that IS advertising; the borrowing and corrupting of natural world semantic meanings for selfish neofeudal aims and means; the direct pipeline from education to military and the mandatory military service which still exists in some countries; the fact that returning a product inherently throws the customer (slave) into suspicion by the seller (master - legal power holder); the very idea of a court system ran by the state and not a jury of 3rd party independent people; the lack of a "fairness and welfare supervisor" in every workplace and the presence of "compliance officer"s; the very "free market" in free market fundamentalism which inevitably and invariably defers to which/whoever market force has the most power (today - money - working capital); the fact that being poor and working in a low pay job literally makes you poorer as you work (in real terms); the predatory and inexcusable nature of gambling; the predatory and inexcusable principle of landlords making money off other poorer humans (it should be the state which intervenes if the state is truly a good state, which we can surmise every government is implicitly claiming of itself by holding power); the lack of naming and shaming of social ills like the Nestle CEO who said water access shouldn't be a human right (God I fucking hate Snopes); the trends of people trying to make money off other people via various scams and the likes of BlackHatWorld and WarriorForum, which are innately neofeudalistic in their function, pointing to a giant pyramid scheme that drags along with the rest of modern capitalism; the innate respect given to media moguls and politicians when they are nothing special; the disrespect and disrepute given to the left wing health services of every nation; the blind acceptance of imposing imagery, themes and connotations left dirtying our minds which we call advertisements; the implicit fraud in denying people growing their own food indoors; that concepts like treason do not for most people extend to The People as an interest group; the incredibly rare use of the justification "For the public interest" and "For the public record"; the fact that the French Revolution is not associated for us in school as the birth of the first human rights (surely a non-feudal society would have no qualms or problems with teaching this truth of human history and progress); being frank about racism being too hot for school; the fact kids are now accessing hardcore pornography but not radical and sometimes dangerous ideologies and thinking; the intellectual and spiritual poverty of our age, and the lack of conscious awareness of what we are doing to ourselves with our time and the mental contents surrounding us (a wise man once said.. you will become what you surround yourself with); the mess of the Internet operated by the modern robber-barons of advertising and web traffic conversion and "upselling"; the open betrayal of the people by governments which can be exposed even in form of statistics and hard truths and evidences; the great silence of modern "intellectuals" and losers like self-help gurus (THE MODERN COURT JESTERS), who couldn't begin to address choice quotes of the great intellectual giants of human history; the platforming of celebrities and people with certain types of contours over their face that are pleasing to look at from every angle, over those humans who are better in substance, expertise, spirituality, etc.; the preservation of neofeudal lord roles in the workplace (the boss), the home (the landlord), the Internet (the website owner or advertisers), the land, parks and golf courses (the land holder or owner), and even the family (the wealth-holder parent(s) you are dependent upon); the appeal to authority; the way a poor person under free market fundamentalism must always choose the product most poorly produced i.e. the most likely to break or malfunction and cause them to lose more money, generally kept within reasonable losses or sunk costs as per investment brokers' "portfolios"; the way that moral and ethical wrong cannot by most people be pinned on day traders, Goldman Sachs starving poor people etc. by the inherent flow of the market, which will always favor the most production of immaterial and material wealth by abstraction. (In other words - although we can't fully know and intuit what will be best to produce in any given scenario, we can actually fundamentally and systemically rule out what will be bad and harmful for society - but not for the market which is the concern of free market fundamentalists); the rise of unpaid internships (strongly neofeudal i.e. the local "lord", the company owner, is "giving you an opportunity" and that's how they see it); the propaganda of war producing poor peoples' children dying for the rich few who control the military-industrial complex and massive amounts of money flowing around for rich interests, e.g. soldiers firing missiles that individually cost more than they earn per year, of course ultimately tied up as a capitalistic move/plot/bid to win more cheap oil; the way that companies are literally designed to offer minimal guarantees, insurances or protections for their workers yet they are keen to take with them each working day most of the material gain produced by each worker (remember I said corporations lean on society?); the protection of "limited liability" companies to lose money, versus the individual people who are enslaved by means of debt they cannot easily erase (this bleeds into a general distrust of the independent person compared to the corporate entity, when the people actually are in earnest and wanting to help one another, except for the psychopathic in society who can be known and traced by their behaviour and early signs in school); the fact that healthcare is not free in all countries despite the common people CONSTANTLY working to uphold the corporate masters and the endlessly rich, some of whom donate money to Internet streamers for a laugh at the shock; the mathematical intuitive rational incompetence of the science establishment, which seems to have no backbone when it comes to neofeudalism and major social issues and ills (they don't even speak up against gambling! WHAT THE FUCK IS THE SCIENTIFIC ESTABLISHMENT DOING AND WHY DO WE NOT PUBLICALLY SHAME THEM AS FRAUDULENT PUBLIC INTELLECTUALS - FOR THE PUBLIC INTEREST AND THE PUBLIC GOOD?) and rather, they seem to be the lapdogs of the elite, continuing to produce inventions which can easily be taken advantage of by the right wing interests - tear gas and rubber bullets for example; the lack of public awareness of state interference in a negative way; the arrival of private police forces; the hierarchy of control of the Internet based on what they call "authority sites" - prioritized by search engines.
(I apologize for the formatting but this was a train of thought.)
submitted by trueseeker2 to sendinthetanks [link] [comments]

The Coronavirus Book is Closed

(MSS) I've posted a thread with this title before. And again.
The Festival of Saturnalia is beginning as of now ( "Saturn" = 317 primes ) [ 12/17 @ 3/17 ]
Saturnalia was an ancient Roman festival and holiday in honour of the god Saturn, held on 17 December of the Julian calendar and later expanded with festivities through to 23 December. The holiday was celebrated with a sacrifice at the Temple of Saturn, in the Roman Forum, and a public banquet, followed by private gift-giving, (a) continual partying, and a carnival atmosphere that overturned Roman social norms: gambling was permitted, and masters provided table service for their slaves as it was seen as a time of liberty for both slaves and freedmen alike. A common custom was the election of a "King of the Saturnalia", who would give orders to people, which were to be followed and preside over the merrymaking. The gifts exchanged were usually gag gifts or small figurines made of wax or pottery known as sigillaria. The poet Catullus called it "the best of days".
Saturnalia was the Roman equivalent to the earlier Greek holiday of Kronia,
Kronia ( Cronus ) @ KRN @ CRN @ Corona @ Crown @ CRN @ Carnival
Saturn, 'The Lord of the Rings':
I will not be posting new threads for the next few days.
I leave the Thespians of the World Stage to play their mocking games with the slaves (for a time).
  • "Know table service" = 2020 jewish-latin-agrippa
  • ... ( "Wear the mask" = 2020 squares )
To whomever takes up the role of temporary Saturnalian king - I wish you a good reign.
  • "King of the Saturnalia" = 777 jewish-latin-agrippa
  • ... ( "Numeric Ritual" = 777 jewish-latin-agrippa )
  • ... .. ( "The Coronavirus Vaccine" = 777 primes )
The temporary Saturnalian King takes the reins of the harness from...
  • "King Arthur of Atlantis" = 777 primes
... for the period of the festival.
I shall sit and hearken.
  • "King Arthur" = "Spectator" = 2001 squares
  • ... ( "Alphabetizer" = 2001 squares )
  • "Joe Biden, King of the Saturnalia" = 1492 jewish-latin-agrippa | 2047 trigonal
Great Conjunction, vs. (* *)
'Ring of Gold'
EDIT - PS. I've just noticed (the font it really tiny) that I have a number of unanswered reddit chat pings. I do not use reddit chat - it requires enabling too many javascripts I would prefer to leave disabled, in order that it works properly. Send PM's rather, if you must.
Even though...
  • "Chat" = 474 squares
  • "Numerology" = 474 primes ; ) ( 1000 + 1021 = 2021 )
EDIT - next day (an article from yesterday already listed on the saturnalia page linked above):
Vaccines Are Here. We Have to Talk About Side Effects
Disinformation could thwart distribution before government messages have a chance to push back. Debunking might turn out to be everyone’s job.
  • "Coronavirus Debunking" = 2021 trigonal
The golden ratio is 1.618...
  • "The Debunking" = 1,618 squares
  • .. ( "The Coronavirus Trick" = 1,618 jewish-latin-agrippa )
Go forth and debunk, Coronavirus apostates! Go forth and thwart distribution! Debunking the vaccine is everyone's job now.
'Government Messages' govern.mind.messages mind.control.massages
'Government Messages' = 221 alphabetic ( "The Needle" = 221 primes ) [ 2021 ] (*)
'Government Messages' = 707 primes ( "Power" = "Glory" = "Regency" = 77 alphabetic )
Government Message @ Message that Governs ( "Christ" = 77 alphabetic )
  • "Messiah Governs" = 555 primes
  • ... ( "You will obey" = 555 primes ) (*)
  • ... .. [ "Deny Coronavirus" = 666 primes ]
  • ... .. .. [ "The Fake Coronavirus" = 666 primes ]
  • ... .. .. [ "Placebo Coronavirus" = 666 primes ] (*)
  • ... .. .. .. [ [ "The Coronavirus Vaccine" = 777 primes ] ]
  • ... .. .. .. [ [ "Sick Joke" = "To Cure the Flu" = 777 primes ] ] (*)
The Greek Isopsephy of the name 'Jesus' is 888.
  • "Government Authority" = 888 primes (*)
I see a usurpation, perhaps.
Vaccines Are Here. We Have to Talk About Side Effects
  • 'Vaccines Are Here" = "Unprecedented" = 1954 squares
  • ... ( the year The Fellowship of the Ring was published ) (*)
  • .
  • "Vaccines Are Here" = 73 reduced
  • .. ( "Perfect" = "Number" = 73 alphabetic ) (*)
  • ... .. ( "The Number" = "The Immune" = 333 primes )
  • .. ... .. ( "The Religion" = "A Blood Sacrifice" = 333 jewish-latin-agrippa ) (*)
  • .. ... .. ... .. .. ( "Domination" = 333 jewish-latin-agrippa ) (*)
  • .
  • "Vaccines Are Here" = 73 reduced
  • .. ( "Perfect" = "Number" = 73 alphabetic )
  • .. .. ... .. ( "Number" = 616 trigonal ) (*)
  • ... .. ( "Perfect Number" = 616 jewish-latin-agrippa ) (*)
  • ... .. [ "Ritual Sacrifice" = 616 jewish-latin-agrippa | 73 reduced ]
  • .
  • "A=1: Vaccines Are Here" = 777 english-extended (*)
  • .. ( "The Coronavirus Vaccine" = 777 primes ) (*)
  • .
  • "Vaccine is here" = "In Prison" = 360 primes ( "The Glory" = 360 primes ) (*)
Side effects ? They admit one side of your face might slide away uncontrollably, like Two-face in the Batman movies (a rather Dramatic symbol).
Side @ Sidhe @ Aos sidhe (Elven drama @ Elven trauma) (*)
Side Effects @ Sidhe Effects @ Siddhis ('the powers') (*) (*)
The Elves give themselves a bad name.... or the Orcs are playing at Elven mockery.
  • "A=1: The Cult Leader" = 2020 squares ( "Exorcist" = 2001 squares )
That is...
  • "The Cult of the Letter" = 223 alphabetic | 1,555 english-extended
  • .... .. ( "Coronavirus Novel" = 223 alphabetic )
  • .... .. ( "Coronavirus Story" = 2023 jewish-latin-agrippa )
  • ... .. .. ( "The One Cure-All" = 2023 squares ) (*) (*)
  • "It is the Cure-All" = 1331 trigonal | 511 primes (*) (*)
  • ... ( "The Writings" = 1331 trigonal ) ( "Saturn" = 511 jewish-latin-agrippa )
Brazilian supreme court decides all Brazilians are required to be vaccinated against COVID-19. Those who fail to prove they have been vaccinated may have their rights, such as welfare payments, public school enrolment or entry to certain places, curtailed.
And so it goes.
  • "Citizen," = 666 jewish-latin-agrippa [ ie. beast ]
  • .. "You are being hunted" = 1,666 trigonal
  • ... .. .. ( "Ritual code" = 1,666 squares ) [ curtailed @ cur-tailed @ dog-tailed @ wag the dog ]
To be, or not to be...
  • "Vaccinated against COVID-19" = "To know the proof" = 644 primes (*)
  • "Vaccinated against COVID-19" = 216 alphabetic (6x6x6 = 216)
  • "Mathematics of the Circle" = 216 alphabetic | 666 jewish-latin-agrippa )
  • "Mathematics of the Circle" = 3022 squares | 1,619 trigonal (*) (*)
  • .... ( )
You don't need state-given rights, if you can say...
  • "I am Sovereign" = 2021 squares
Tell your friends and family:
  • "You will take off the mask" = 2021 jewish-latin-agrippa (*)
  • "Coronavirus Debunking" = 2021 trigonal
  • ... ( "A Coronavirus Debunking" = 1611 english-extended )
The schooling dumbs you down, the 'certain places' are traps, and the welfare payments are dependencies. Who is so presumptuous as to tell you your 'rights'?
The 'social contracts' are being rewritten, Mr. and Mrs. Faust. Will you sign?
Q: ?
"A: Social Contracts" = 555 primes | 911 english-extended
Run to the Hills, my friends (or prepare to take over the world, and to feast on politicians).
'Blessings Upon the Throne of Tyranny'
'I am Sovereign'
  • "The Saturn Artifact" = 666 primes ( "Cube of Saturn" = 777 jewish-latin-agrippa ) (*) (*)
Fear is the Mind-Killer.
Corona @ Crown (the ruling virus)
Noting the english-extended cypher is very tightly related to the latin-agrippa - differing in only the numeric assignments of a few letters - thus, with skill one can construct quite long spells that achieve the same value in both, such as this:
  • "The One Crown to Rule All" = 1,777 english-extended | 1,777 jewish-latin-agrippa (*)
  • .. ( "The Coronavirus Must Win" = 1010 primes | 100 in reduction ) (*)
  • ... .. ( "Revelation" = "Covid-nineteen" = 1010 jewish-latin-agrippa ) [ 1010 + 1010 = 2020 ]
  • "Crown Crone" = "The Eternal Alphabet" = "The Absolute" = 911 english-extended (*)
EDIT - the 19th of december:
COVID-19: New coronavirus strain spreading faster than previous variant, UK government scientists warn ministers
Q: ?
"A Coronavirus Strain" = 777 primes ( "The Coronavirus Vaccine" = 777 primes )
With a reputation as the 'pharmacy of the world,' India is geared to mass-produce COVID-19 vaccines
  • "Corona" = 224 jewish-latin-agrippa
  • "Disease" = 224 english-extended
  • .. ( "Mass-produce COVID-19 vaccines" = 2240 jewish-latin-agrippa ) [ zero @ circle @ corona ]
  • "The Pharmacy of the World" = "The Coronavirus Vaccine" = 777 primes
Ambience: Imperial Chinese Concubine's Palace
EDIT - a little later on the 19th:
Let's-a go
Miyamoto leads fans through Super Nintendo World—and it looks incredible
Nintendo, Universal Studios went all out to deliver a Nintendo fan destination.
  • "Super Nintendo World" = 1,777 jewish-latin-agrippa (nine-ten @ nine-teen ) [ looks @ school ]
. .. ... .... ..... You're welcome ( "Miyamoto" = "The Born King" = "The Alphabet Code" = 369 primes )
After the conjunction, and with the great debunking under way, in 2021, ..
  • "Society" = 911 trigonal
.... is witness to....
  • "The sudden disappearance of covid-nineteen" = 2001 english-extended
The 'virus' (as it is perceived by the ignorant masses) appears to evaporate, like World Trade Centers do in September. The majority of the scientific footsoldiers are shocked, amazed, confused and relieved. The politicians pretend to be shocked, amazed, confused, and relieved. Like the ending scene of The Happening, nature suddenly relents upon humanity, and mankind is spared further antagonistic affronts by the medical industrial complex.
  • "Miraculous Cures" = 1,777 trigonal
  • ... ( "To Cure the Flu" = 777 jewish-latin-agrippa )
In time, the truth of the allegorical charade becomes clear to all, and the population of the world are simultaneously appalled and relieved.
  • "Sick Joke" = "Numeric Ritual" = "Cryptic Riddle" = 777 jewish-latin-agrippa
  • ... .. .. ( "To Understand a Code" = 777 jewish-latin-agrippa )
Appalled that they had fallen for such a transparent stage play, yet relieved that the final curtain has fallen; appalled as to what it all meant, yet relieved of their burden of isolation. All are exceeding curious as to the future direction of the new status quo - for while they were distracted by the soaring Covid case numbers, Tiger Kings on TV, and endless Zoo Meetings, it comes to be known that A Final World Empire was established suddenly and seemingly without fan-fair, beneath their very feet and all around them, and they had hardly noticed (the Covid stageplay being itself the announcement, though most did not understand this at the time).
It goes without saying, that after virus relents, there is "a grand celebration" = 2021 squares
Everyone takes off their masks, collects them in giant heaps in their village squares, and burns them.
  • "Telepathy Phone Number" = "The Telepathic Frequency" = 777 primes ( "A=1: Join with me" )
Geometry of History ( "Entirely Obvious" = 2020 english-extended ): (*)
  • "I teach you" = 776 jewish-latin-agrippa
The teacher teaches. The unlearned learn. The learned know.
  • "Know I teach you" = 1776 jewish-latin-agrippa
  • "I teach, you know" = 1776 jewish-latin-agrippa
  • ... ( "The English Alphabetic Order" = 1776 trignal ) (*) (*)
  • "I teach 'A=1', you know" = 555 primes | 1918 english-extended
  • "I teach you the security" = 1776 jewish-latin-agrippa
  • "I teach you a subject" = 1777 jewish-latin-agrippa
  • ... ( "The coronavirus vaccine" = 777 primes ) (A1A:2020)
  • "What is in a name?" = 1234 latin-agrippa ( "The Number of the Rose" = 1234 eng-ext )
AAA :: 316 . 127 . 359 . 134 . 1896 . 2053 . 2043 . 1191 . 1015 . 2707 . 5098
A1A :: 156 . 57 . 249 . 96 . 936 . 1092 . 742 . 681 . 492 . 1307 . 2458
'The Green'
submitted by Orpherischt to GeometersOfHistory [link] [comments]

I'm gonna pop off for a second. ZERO of these cucks care ANYTHING for you or your grandma, how do I know? Because they never complained about the gambling industry.

That's JUST the suicides. Not the drugs, prostitution, organized crime, alcohol, cigarettes, job problems, domestic problems, credit card interest, or whatever else people could be doing with their lives. It's just the suicides.
Gambling was illegal in 48 states for over 100 years, but in the last ten years has risen almost perpendicularly. Ask anyone who works at a gas station or convenience store, daily lottery drawings and scratch-off tickets are almost a $100B industry - with some states legalizing lotteries as recently as January of 2020. Sports betting is almost as large, formally estimated at $85B.
Casinos, together with strip clubs and the other forms of gambling listed above, are open and operating right now in states that continue to (illegally) force churches and businesses to shut down. By the way.
submitted by JIVEprinting to CoronavirusCirclejerk [link] [comments]

Michael Jordan vs. LeBron James on defense - an in depth breakdown by someone who actually knows what they're talking about (Thinking Basketball guy)

The following are excerpts taken from a series by Ben Taylor, AKA Thinking Basketball on youtube. It's called "The Backpicks GOAT: The 40 Best Careers in NBA History" in which he uses a mix of statistical analysis and hundreds of hours of video review to breakdown and rank the career values of the all time greats.
For easier viewing I suggest viewing the articles on his website. There are a lot of videos in between showcasing what he points out and Reddit's formatting makes pretty confusing to follow since you can't embed them directly into the post.
On Michael Jordan
On defense, he entered the league as an unpolished risk-taker. His footwork wasn’t sharp and he constantly gambled for steals, like this:
He loved to snipe the post, sneaking away from his man for a steal, then leaking out in transition. Only, he whiffed a lot:
His rotations to the rim were soft, often avoiding contact and rarely dissuading the shot. His on-ball defense wasn’t anything to write home about in those first few years either:
But then, in the summer of 1987, he sprinkled fairy dust on himself and magically learned to defend. While his man D improved a bit in his third year, it leapt forward in his fourth (1988). He curtailed his habit of leaking out for steals — probably a factor in his defensive rebounding spike that year — and many of his silly gambles were replaced with highly-attentive rotations, laser-focused steal attempts and even some rim protection:
His reactions were sharper, his reads smarter and his motor revved up higher than any other season, save for 1989. He also improved his footwork on the ball, where he would often lockdown opposing point guards. In the following play, notice how he uses his size and textbook positioning to slow down Isiah’s drive into the lane. In the second clip, he clinically hedges around a screen before his trademark swipe leads to a turnover:
But his style was still high-risk, high-reward, and his defensive error rates were on the high side, landing in the 17th percentile for the heart of his career. His highlights are impressive, but he bled value at times.
For instance, in the 1991 Finals, Jordan slowed the Magic Johnson train by picking him up in the backcourt, preventing him from building a head of steam. In the low-post, Chicago constantly doubled Magic, and although Jordan did a solid job bodying him up at times, he also struck out on a number of steal attempts:
His transition awareness could be a problem, misjudging threats in front of and behind him:
Like nearly every guard, he was too small to check bigs, limiting some of his impact when compared to more versatile defenders like Pippen or LeBron. He was never a vertical paint defender, instead swiping for steals with his ginormous mitts while his teammates challenged shots up high. Yet his cobra-like strikes obliterated plays when they worked:
His sneak-attacks generated six of the top-200 steal percentages ever recorded, but his gambling style exposed the Bulls at times. He’s so jazzed to intercept this outlet that he bites at the mere sight of a pass:
At other times, his bets led to huge payoffs — his ambush blocks could blow up possessions, and he often played the pass in odd-man fast breaks, baiting challengers like a basketball Jedi. This isn’t the layup you’re looking for:
In 1990, his motor slowed from the fever pitch he had played at for two years, and his defensive involvement tapered down a bit. He idled more, resting his engines to conserve fuel. Although, on possessions where he went full throttle, he made ball-denial an art, navigating screens (a strength of his) and shutting off passing lanes:
During the second three-peat, he swapped athleticism for guile, relying on added strength to grind through picks or to stake valuable position. Here, he completely kills Orlando’s idea of a cross-screen into a post-up, flaming out the entire possession:
He liked to linger in the lane and help against penetration, but improved awareness made this tactic more efficient — notice how he immediately locates the ball as he passes through the paint, de-prioritizing his own cover (Chris Mullin) to shut off a dribbling threat:
It was another risky tactic that could be exposed with better passing, but was a clear net positive from the film I tracked.
On LeBron James
On defense, James improved in phases as well. In his first few seasons, he was prone to more breakdowns and lacked dominant defensive sequences. However, he would become one of the most impressive perimeter defenders in NBA history, gradually improving until 2008 before jumping a level in 2009.
He is one of the only players ever to truly guard all five positions on the court. Here’s a sampling of him guarding three All-Star players at the point, wing and center positions, demonstrating quickness, strength and technique:
He regularly diagnosed plays and anticipated where to be, sometimes directing teammates like a linebacker calling out the action before the snap. (For instance, in the previous clip, he sends the smaller Kyrie Irving to the wing, immediately recognizing the mismatch Boston would exploit with Irving on a big man.) He often sacked pick-and-rolls like he stole the opponent’s playbook — in the next clip, notice how he slides with the action before running to Dirk’s sweet spot. Once there, his help didn’t just mitigate an advantage, it mucked up the entire possession:
So much of defensive impact is about off-ball movement, and based on my scoring, LeBron’s instances of “good” help spiked from 2009 to 2013. He disrupted offenses in a variety of ways, jumping passing lanes, pinching down on dribblers or crisply rotating to the rim:
James was able to defend like this without fouling, regularly finishing near the bottom of the league in shooting fouls committed. His size bothered so many wings, and he used his strength to fight through screens and smother opponents at times:
He became known for signature chase-down blocks, but he also protected the rim in the half-court, erasing shots like another backline big:
LeBron’s block percentage lagged just behind the top perimeter rejectors during his best years, but his blocks were more valuable (per the clips above), frequently swatting these high-percentage looks near the hoop. According to play-by-play data, 43 percent of his blocks were within five feet of the rim, a rate eclipsed by only a few wings in the last two decades.
His defense was not flawless — in his Cleveland years, he could gamble a bit too much, trading physicality for risky gambits. He also missed his share of rotations — his rates from sampling would land in the bottom quartile of the league.5 He was sometimes overly stationary off the ball, and in the following play, ends up in no man’s land while diagnosing some off-ball action:
He’s been an elite defensive rebounder since his teens, posting rates above the 96th percentile for perimeter players for the last 13 seasons. His defense peaked from 2009 to 2013, then his activity started to wane in 2014 as the mileage piled up on his odometer. His closeouts were always a touch reckless, but that year they became more of a problem:
While his foot speed noticeably faded by 2017, a more slender James regained bounce in 2016, leading to a brief defensive renaissance; in 21 playoff games that year, LeBron set a career-high in block percentage, with rates that would fall in the 88th percentile historically among all players. In the last two seasons, he’s been prone to major defensive breakdowns as his activity has dwindled.
TL;DR (still kinda long): When he came into the league, MJ had a very high risk high reward style of playing defense, especially in his younger years. He had a habit of gambling for steals, often leading to defensive breakdowns and his footwork was unpolished, limiting his on-ball pressure. In 1987 he developed into an elite lockdown perimeter defender however and reduced his tendency to gamble for steals. He became elite at playing the passing lanes and his high motor and improved footwork were major contributors to his lock down ability. He did retain his high risk high reward style though, sometimes leading to defensive breakdowns. However it was a clear net positive and paid off very well, resulting in some of the highest steal percentages on record. He was a very good rebounder and shot blocker for his position as well, thanks to his enormous vertical. Although he was very effective on opposing guards and wings, his size at 6'6 obviously limited his ability to check bigs and overall impact. As he aged, his motor slowed however during his second threepeat years his increased strength allowed him to fight through screens better and stake valuable position.
During his early Cleveland years, LeBron shared many of the same flaws that MJ did in his younger years, often gambling for steals and missing defensive rotations. He was sometimes too stationary off ball and would lose his man while diagnosing the play. However, in his later Cleveland years and Miami, he developed into one of the best, most versatile perimeter defenders since Scottie Pippen. His ability to guard multiple positions proved to have enormous impact and his basketball IQ allowed him to direct teammates and call out plays like a linebacker, often ruining opposing possessions. He developed into one of the league's best help defenders in Miami while retaining one of the lowest foul rates. He was an elite defensive rebounder the minute he came into the league and although his block percentages lagged behind the best perimeter rejectors, his blocks were more valuable on average because many of them came at the rim. In recent years his foot speed and motor have slowed down, leading to poor closeouts and decreased activity. However, his weight loss in 2016 did briefly allow him regain foot speed and the elite ability he had in his younger years.
Your TL;DR was still TL: Overall, Taylor seems to be higher on LeBron's defensive prime than MJ's as he believes that LeBron's edge in help defense, rim protection, and overall versatility proved to be more impactful than MJ's lockdown perimeter ability was. Although by his estimation Jordan did manage to be a impactful defender for a few years later into his career than LeBron.
submitted by bootyholejoe to nba [link] [comments]

r/formula1 – I'm an F1 Engineer/Strategist, Ask Me Anything... (pt 2)

Previous post here.
Questions Answers
How many times in a year do you think you get race day strategy 100% correct? I would say we never get it 100% correct. Race day strategy isn't just about picking the correct number of stops and stop laps for both cars.
Did we take every last drop of grip out of the tyres before we pitted? Did we pressure cars ahead the right amount at every point? Did we back off and protect the tyres the right amount at every point? Did we communicate to the driver exactly what we were trying to achieve and therefore get 100% out of them at every instant in the race? Was the modelling accurate and useful? etc. etc.
We will always be searching for marginal/incremental improvements in everything we do.
I’m in high school and am planning on going to school to become a mechanical engineer, so my question is this: how available are engineering jobs in F1, or just motorsport in general? Of course, being an F1 engineer would be a dream, but I have no idea how difficult it would be to actually find a job I have to be honest and say that jobs in motorsport and especially F1 are not plentiful and that they are often oversubscribed many times over.
I would not let that put you off though, at your age you have a lot of time to pick up skills, experiences and knowledge that will help you in the endeavor of getting a job in motorsport.
I would also say that perseverance is almost an essential quality in finding a job in F1. I, and many others I know, were turned down for roles multiple times and at various points thought we would never get our dream jobs in F1.
Hey, Randy! Thanks for doing this awesome AMA. You have talked a lot about getting into F1 for a career as an Engineer. I was hoping you could shed a bit of light in what skillsets/qualifications you look for in candidates who work as the mechanics and the pitstop crew on a given race weekend. Again, Thanks for doing this. I have read through every one of your answers and they were as much fun to read as they were enlightening about the sport we love. So this is not my area of expertise, although I do spend a lot of time working with the pitcrew - so please take this with a pinch of salt but I think below are the main things we look for:
* Some prior experience in building and servicing of race cars or bikes.
* An ability to understand and follow (often complex) procedures.
* A proactive nature (e.g. when reporting faults or build issues).
* Dealing well with a high pressure and time constrained workload and environment.
* An attention to detail and a willingness to learn.
* Ability to read and interpret technical drawings.
* Fabrication and machining skills.
Really cool to hear from you Randy. How have you and the team at McLaren been spending your time with everything that’s been going on with Covid-19? Hope we can see you go racing in Austria in July! So F1 teams have all been subject to an extended "shutdown" meaning that most of us haven't been allowed to work on F1 projects and many of us, consequently, have not been working in recent weeks.
Personally, I've used the time to try and get fit, having averaged c. 4 hours and 15 minutes of exercise every day since April 1st (yes I do have a spreadsheet), as well as trying to learn some new skills like React.
Many of the team have used the opportunity to spend time with their loved ones, which can be difficult with hectic schedules, to improve their cooking skills (I have eaten the best pizza I've ever had during lockdown!), do gardening and so on.
Everyone seems eager to get back to it and most teams will be returning to work over the next fortnight.
Hi Randy. Thanks so much for doing this, the answers so far have been really insightful. Can I ask, as an armchair fan, what can I look for over the course of the weekend to help me predict likely strategic calls on race day? The main 2 factors are tyre behaviour (degradation, wear life and pace difference) and pitstop loss. From here you can get a basic understanding of the strategy before competitors are thrown into the mix.
Pirelli kindly provide some of the information each weekend on tyres and you can estimate the rest from FP2 long runs towards the end of the session. Pitstop loss is also often given by some teams (maybe rounded or slightly noisified - but close enough to give you the right number of stops).
With those 2 things you can work out the baseline strategy if you were racing alone and then you want to be considering the cars that are a pitstop window ahead and behind and see whether you would stop earlier or later than the baseline based on undercutting, traffic and so on.
Thank you so much for doing this AMA! During last year's German GP, I remember that a lot of us fans were interested in contrasting approaches made by two teams as the track started to dry up. One driver saw that the track was dry enough for slicks, called it in, and got the go ahead to take the gamble; he ended up coming very close to a podium. Another driver made similar observations and appealed repeatedly to his engineer to make the switch, but was instructed to stay out for several more laps, costing him points. I understand hindsight is 20/20 here, but if you were the engineer, would you be more inclined to take the driver's word when they potentially contradict the data, or vice versa? Do you believe there's a "correct" approach in situations like these, or a personal preference? Again, thank you so much! (Typed from my “Mclaren Edition” phone...I can't wait for the season to start, and I really wish you guys the best!) Thank you for the kind words!
I think there is a lot you don't see (not your fault) when it comes to strategic decisions, this is amplified many times over in a wet or changeable conditions race, where decisions are extremely difficult, with lots of information, of varying quality/frequency.
I think we have learnt that it depends. Sometimes, we will weight the driver's input higher than anything else, sometimes it will be the least valuable information.
Do you employ many Americans on the team, and if so what does it take? Assuming they have the technical credentials of engineering. So we have nothing against Americans, nor people of other nationalities - having the right to work in the UK is sometimes required although we do also help with visa applications this isn't always possible for us to do.
In terms of Americans on the team, we have Zak Brown, of course and I'll be honest and say I can't think of any others at the moment, although we have had a few placement students in recent years from the United States.
There's no extra requirement for Americans, especially as we're moving to Mercedes powerunits soon, we won't have too many issues with the pronunciation of Renault anymore.
What kind of people do you have in the strategy department? Are they mostly engineers, or like mathematicians and computer scientists? Although we are largely engineers by degree, we don't really discriminate against other backgrounds and are often quite keen to add a diversity of ideas and backgrounds into the mix - a numerate degree is going to be very helpful though.
We are 60% mechanical engineers, 1 engineemathematician hybrid and 1 physicist.
Is it unusual to go from entry-level engineer to head of strategy in 6-7 years? What do you think drove your success? I think it actually happened even a bit quicker than that - which had never been my expectation when I started.
It's hard to say what is unusual, there are so few "race strategists" in the world, let alone in F1 that I think there's not really a "usual" and often timescales can be quite variable based on circumstance (e.g. someone leaving/changing role).
I guess the success is driven by the confidence and belief in the strategy team, of which I am just a part - so the fact that the other members of the team are so good, that management above us let us independently improve and change our processes without blame nor interference etc. is what has really driven it. Also have the much wider strategy team that includes 10s of volunteers to thank - it truly is a team effort and no single person would have the impact they do without the team around them.
Does race strategist cooperate with aerodynamics department in any way? So, I can't go into details but yes we do. Strategy is a really cool role because we end up dealing with pretty much all other areas - as we also cover things like Competitor Intelligence and Sporting matters.
In a more typical sense, just thinking about race strategy, there are a few areas that spring to mind, aerodynamicists and other engineers will be setting things like the wing level and the trades made here can affect performance in qualifying vs. the race, something that we as strategists are well placed to comment on the value of and also for setting cooling levels, we're responsible for weather forecasting and interpretation and so will often liaise with our aerodynamics colleagues about the risks of it being hotter than certain limits.
the below is a reply to the above
Could you unpack a bit on what "competitor intelligence" does? Thanks! "Mr Holmes, I would love to tell you, but then I'd have to kill you."
I'm afraid that in this case the answer is no. All I can say is that we do some pretty neat things using the various kinds of information (audio, video, images, data, quotes, etc.) to gain intelligence on things like relative performance, other teams and so on.
What’s your proudest moment in F1 to date? Another tough one!
What makes me proudest is the Strategy team at McLaren. The team consists of around 5 people at its core and I can honestly say that they are the most talented, motivated, most passionate and smartest collection of individuals I have ever had the pleasure of working with. Everyone's level naturally rises when you work with people of this calibre and although the team is constantly looking for areas of improvement, challenging each other - it is also really just fun. I am very proud that I've played a part in pulling in each of my strategy teammates.
One other thing that gets close (other than Grand Prix which I'll cover in another answer) is Mission Control. McLaren were kind enough to give me the opportunity to manage the project to design a new Mission Control from scratch, build and deploy it. We were responsible for building contractors, ventilation, budget, aesthetic, even unpacking and setting up over 30 machines. The Mission Control room is an awesome facility and we built it together as a team. A lot of it is secret but here's a photo you are allowed to see:
Hello, Do you go on reddit and check this sub sometimes? I would say more frequently than sometimes and I'm not the only one who works in F1 than does.
The content on here can be amazing at times - from some of the photos, to some of the data visualisations - and sometimes it is just fun to read comments and see how different our perspective of a race/event can be to that of fans.
You've talked about refuelling in a previous answer, and how it might affect strategies, but what is your opinion on the current tyres, and how they basically force the teams to do a two-stop strategy? Would you prefer if the tyres were manufactured in a way that makes them more durable? Thank you! So, I would start by saying the tyres don't force teams into 2 stop strategies, however, the front-runners will have a higher propensity for 2 stops over 1 stops in the current regime, which may present a more skewed picture to fans.
I believe and I think my colleagues and competitors agree, that good racing does involve some strategic flexibility and variety and a good sweet spot is to have races that are at crossover between 2 an 3 stop strategies (crossover means the timings and track position work out such as to be roughly equal).
However, Pirelli are in an unenviable position with regards to giving us tyres that would encourage 2 or 3 stop crossover events, as the drivers also need to be able to push the tyres lap after lap to get good racing.
So you can see that Pirelli have to try and balance both concerns and I think with that in mind they are doing a good job of finding a balance.
The strategy with sainz in Brazil was amazing man Thanks for the kind words but the strategy in Brazil (I hope) was as good as in Austria, or Hungary, etc. We didn't do anything particularly special but in this case the outcome was particularly good - we try and judge ourselves on our decisions/processes/analysis rather than the outcome as the outcome/result can be dependent on chance which is outside our control.
Have you found any books in particular helpful when it comes to the soft skills required working in a multi-department environment, also when it comes to the overarching strategic principles. Building on that, how often do you find yourself acting against the data/conclusions presented to you in favour of your own observations or “common sense” I think the most useful book has been Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix as it really demonstrates the importance of teamwork. Mark Corrigan's seminal "Business Secrets of the Pharaohs" and Michael Scott's "Somehow I Manage" are also essential reading.
Seriously though, a difficult one, I think a lot of skills are picked up outside of books, things like logical problem-solving, being extremely pro-active, etc. however, some books that I find have been useful are:
* Thinking Fast and Slow (almost essential reading, Thinking in Bets is also good)
* The Intelligent Entrepreneur (very inspiring)
* Outliers (to try and replicate some of the factors)
* Legacy (a great book about teamwork and management)
* Resonant Leadership (given to me by manager and a great read)
Speaking from a career standpoint, does having a background in something like biology factor into a possible role at all? Something of a mix of Biology and Engineering (Biomed, Bioengineering etc)? Thanks! It can do - I specialised in Biomedical Engineering as one of my electives in my final year at university, by the way.
Especially in strategy, different viewpoints/experiences/backgrounds can be very useful.
So we're hearing that Austria and maybe Britain is going ahead, is McLaren prepping for this or are they waiting for official word from Formula 1 I can't comment on the calendar as it stands as that would be breaking confidentiality. However, I can say that Liberty and the FIA are working tirelessly to bring a calendar together and it was something that we all discussed yesterday in the Sporting Working Group and is no doubt being discussed on a daily basis in other forums also.
The teams, including McLaren, are trying as well to prepare for the season starting soon whilst remaining flexible such that if there are changes we can adapt to them quickly and well.
How do you judge a mandatory 2 pit stops instead of only one? Can this make the races more enjoyable in your opinion? Thanks I don't think mandatory 2 stop strategies are a good idea. I can talk about this openly as its something we have debated with other teams, the FIA and Liberty as well and as a group we decided against it.
The reason I don't like mandatory 2 stop strategies is that it is artificial and artificial constraints (I believe) will lead to more strange/bad occurrences than good ones.
The benefit of mandatory 2 stop strategies is that everyone will make 2 stops which on average is more stops than we currently do and we believe that more stops (to a limit) typically lead to more exciting races.
However, the downside is that this is purely artificial. If the race is a clear 1 stop and we add a second stop artificially then it's more likely that that stop could be placed in a strange spot, because the sensitivity to its timing could be low - you may see cars pitting very early or late into the race and therefore the race is still like a 1 stop (you don't get the full benefit on racing of the second stop) - especially with a point for fastest lap.
You may then argue that we could force the second stop into a particular window, or set a limit on stint lengths. This also has issues, with cars likely to be concentrated on one side of the window and then there may need to be more artificial constraints.
I very firmly believe that the best way to encourage more stops is to keep constraints on strategists light and influence the primary factors that determine how many stops there are, that is:
* Pitloss (decrease = positive pressure on number of stops).
* Tyre behaviour (worse behaviour = positive pressure on number of stops).
What's it like working for the most positive and happiest team? Let me ask some of my friends at other teams and I'll get back to you soon.
Only kidding 😁 ! I can't say if McLaren is the most positive/happiest team as I've not been everywhere, but its certainly the most fun, positive, happy, smart, etc. etc. team I've ever worked at.
I love it. It's the people that make McLaren (and I know that's a cliche) special and I enjoy working in such a tight-knit, funny, motivated team.
What was the most difficult race strategy wise in your F1 career? My first race, I think stands outs - the 2013 Australian Grand Prix. I started work on January 2nd that year (my first real job in F1), had no strategy experience, had to do lots of winter reporting and had no strategy mentor (as the previous strategist had left already). I'm not sure "baptism of fire" and "thrown into the deep-end" are mixable metaphors but that's what it felt like.
To make matters more "interesting", the data showed and I was convinced that it would be a multiple stop (probably 3 stop) grand prix, based on what we had observed in Winter Testing and during Friday and Saturday running. This was in sharp contradiction to recent history at the Australian Grand Prix - so there were many heated discussions over this (with the majority of the team heavily disagreeing with it being more than a 1 stop race and every member having much more experience than I).
Turns out lack of experience can be an advantage sometimes. Teams tended to do a 2 or 3 stop race, but the latter was much better. Teams were reluctant to add stops given experience and recent history of the Australian Grand Prix and this pushed many into poor strategies, rather than adapting to the tyre behaviour we were observing.
2013 was an interesting year for strategy, with empirical data and lack of bias being really important to getting the strategies right. If you were to look through those races there are certain teams that flip-flopped a lot and others that quickly adapted to the new 'normal'.
Hi Randy, I don't know if this is already over but I'll try anyway. It's no surprise that working in F1 in any capacity must be extremely competitive. Is there any chance for someone considering a career change to be able to get a foot in the door? I work in investment management and realise that I want to be as close to my passion as possible. I'm open to pretty much any job just to get in. Naturally Id hope to have some transferable skills but i would focus on the chance to build skills and potentially go from there. Any advice? Thanks! I think perseverance and desire are key and yes it is possible. Coincidentally, I was working in the investment industry when I was offered the chance to take a full time role in strategy for the 2013 season.
I had worked at Williams for my final year project at university, but had been "out of the game" for a couple years when I got the offer to return.
Hello Randy, I am sorry if this has already been asked. But I would like to know your thoughts on: The new strategy involved on the new regulations/ground affect designs on the new Formula 1 vehicles? Is this a step in the right direction? Love to hear an professional / insider view on these new changes to the sport as the team Engineers do not seem to have a big say in the acceptace of the design limitations from FIA. I personally think the new regulations (Sporting, Technical and Financial) are moving the sport in the right direction and so am looking forwards to them being introduced over the coming years.
I would also say, as it may not be obvious to fans, that teams and engineers are heavily involved in these regulations. Whether that is us helping to draft parts of them, sense check them, vote on them, etc. it is a very open, constructive forum between the teams, the FIA and FOM (and other external experts as required).
Day 5: Mr. Singh is still answering questions. He's now one of us. LEGEND, and thanks to McLaren for allowing this. -Best AMA yet? DCanswered4questions. Haha thank you!
I will probably have to stop soon - but have a few more answers coming on a few families of question I haven’t yet answered. 🙂
Hi, Randy, Your answers are great, thank you! One of my most favorite McLaren performances of recent years was Fernando's insane race in Azerbaijan in 2018, when he had a double tyre puncture but still managed to finish 7th. Were you still his personal strategist back then? What was your role in his success? What were you thoughts when you saw him limping to the pits on two wheels? What did you do after that? What a race, eh? "Personal" strategist, you make us sound like mathematical butlers... 😁.
I wasn't Fernando's strategist at that time, Chris (one of our team) had already taken over by then and I was leading the team. It was not an easy race, although it may look like we sat back and watched, there's a lot of decisions made that you don't see and a lot of decisions made not to do stuff.
It was a good team effort from everyone to stay calm and try and pick up the pieces after the incident on the first lap, when the car rolled into the pits we did consider retiring it - but as a famous paper salesman once said "you miss 100% of the shots you don't take". What outsiders (who get special access) often notice is that the team stays calm, you can't get wobbly or excited over the incident/accident, you need to be calm, methodical and logical.
Great ama I think this is my favourite question so far. 😀
To be honest, the questions are very interesting and I have had so many people answer questions for me when I was in the position of being a fan/student and that changed my life by helping me get my dream job. If I can give back a fraction of the help/information I've received then I'll feel very happy!
How contagious is Landos laugh? I don't know about you but I find it quite grating. Do you know the feeling you get when you hear someone scratch their nails across a blackboard, or when your alarm goes off and you're still tired?
In all seriousness though, Lando is a funny guy and does always keep the mood nice and light.
Hi Randy. Who is your favourite member of the IT team? Sincerely, Definitely not a member of the IT team. Trick question! I don't have a favourite member of the IT team. 😁
Is there any role for physicians/doctors on race teams? As doctors, I would probably say no. Most teams won't employ their own doctors anymore or will do so in a very limited capacity.
However, that doesn't mean we don't have medical support, it tends to come through external organisations that support F1, such as Formula Medicine, for example, or the FIA's Medical Programme.
We also occasionally get applications for strategists who have a medical background - and that isn't something we look down upon, if anything it may provide a skillset/experiences that would be complementary to those of 'mostly engineers'.
I understand you may not answer because this may be sensitive, but Which method of steering the ship do you think is more effective ? The steely dictatorial grip of Ron Dennis or the More lenient managerial approach of Zak brown ? From a fan perspective, I love that mclaren drivers aren’t on such a tight leash. I never really worked under Ron as I joined in mid-2015. I have to say that the management style I’ve experienced throughout has been great - no blame culture, very open and understanding, letting the experts make decisions, etc.
Have you ever sat on the pitwall at the start and said (even to yourself) "And it's lights out and away we go."? I haven’t! I imagine I now will at whichever Grand Prix we get the pleasure of starting first this year.
Is Ferrari’s strategy as much of a running joke in the paddock as it is by the fans and here on reddit? Maybe you can’t really answer that truthfully but I’ve always been curious. It’s obviously a difficult job but I do wonder if they shoot themselves in the foot as often as it seems from the fans perspective. Answered elsewhere in the thread.
It's a difficult, stressful job, so you always have respect for your competitors.
In your experience, would adding flame decals to my truck make it go faster? Where are you going to place them? What colour are the flames?
Hey randy, i am a 15 year old girl who lives in india and my dream is to become a formula one engineer or work in f1 in anyway. What do u think are the educational qualifications needed to become a formula 1 engineer and what exposure do u think i need to even be close to full filling my dream. I have been following mclaren f1 team for quite some while now and love the friendly environment inside the team. As PapaKeth says, hopefully there are some answers to your question about what qualifications are required in my other comments.
Can I say though, don't let being 15, female, or living in India deter you - none of those things are a blocker to getting a job in F1 in the future.
Hi ! Thank you for answering some of our questions ! I've been wanting to ask, in the event of a car failure ( engine failure, hydraulics failure, etc) how do you become aware of it ? Do you have a real time data link to the car as an engineer ? Or is it something you see on a TV ? So we get data from the cars "live", there are hundreds of sensors on each car and this data is transmitted to us at the track and we also transmit it back to HQ in Woking. There are tens of people looking at the data and typically we will spot problems in the data, or based on feedback from the drivers, before we see them on TV.
That doesn't mean that we never spot stuff on TV first - sometimes you don't have instrumentation for certain things and so you may spot it visually first and the TV feed is a good way of sense-checking in some cases as well.
Do you think Stoffel deserved to still be in F1? (Not necessarily with McLaren) 100% - he is a great talent and I'm very glad that he is doing so well in Formula E.
Hi, thanks for doing this Q&A. Working for an F1 team is the dream, though I understand it's very difficult to get in. I'm disabled, would this matter to an employer? Do you have any advice on how I could approach this to someone as I'm just finishing my first year at University and hoping to apply for internships. Also, (sorry if you've answered this question already) I am studying Mathematics probably going to move into Mathematics and Statistics. Would it be possible to apply for a strategist position with a Mathematics degree? Your disability should not matter to an employer and I really believe it will not. We have people with disabilities working at McLaren. Perhaps if it is something you are concerned about or if its a disability that a team (or McLaren) could help make easier to manage (apologies if my wording is not sensitive) then I would highlight that in your application when you apply for a role.
Mathematics is entirely sensible as a background for a strategist role. I started off in Mathematics (& Statistics) before I moved over to Engineering (I found Mathematics at university to be too abstract for my liking). If you are doing Statistics anything that covers stochastic modelling would be particularly relevant to strategy.
I want to work in F1 in the future and preferably an engineer role. Would studying Mechanical Engineering be the best course to get a chance? Thanks I would say the majority of F1 engineers have studied Mechanical Engineering but that doesn't necessarily equate to it giving you the best chance of getting in. Engineering skills (and particularly mechanical engineering skills) will make you suitable for a multitude of roles in an F1 team (from strategy, to design engineering, to race engineering and performance analysis), so naturally you would expect more mechanical engineers.
I would have a think about the role that you would like to do and what qualifications would give you the best chance for that role, it could be that its Computer Science instead, or Aerodynamics, or maybe it is Mechanical Engineering. I would also think heavily about how interested you are in said degree - a degree is not a small investment of time, money and effort and its important you do something you enjoy.
the below is a reply to the above
Hey Randy, this answer was not directed at me but I just want to let you know it really just helped me out. I recently dropped out of mechanical engineering because I wasn't enjoying it and made the switch to computer science. It really pained me for a while thinking about giving up the F1 dream because my career choice wasn't ideal for me. So yeah, thanks. While I'm at it I'd like to add a question about computer science in an F1 team, what kind of roles could I take part of with that degree (specificaly at the track, though I see how that's a bit less likely)? Are there masters degrees or specializations more sought after in certain areas? Again, thanks a lot for you time in answering these questions and apologies for the bad english 😅 Hi, no worries and thank you for the appreciation.
Computer Science is a numerate enough degree at most places that you could lend yourself to any role as long as you can pick up the required engineering knowledge as well. Obviously, something in areas like Software Engineering, IT or Vehicle Science/Modelling may be most relevant/easy but there aren't necessarily many trackside opportunities in those areas.
Hello, First of all, thanks for answering all those questions. It's nice for us students dreaming of F1 to have something to look up to. So I am studying mechanical engineering in France and I am really looking forward to become a Motorsport Race engineer, and obviously F1 would be the dream. What I like the lost in that job is the trackside aspect, travelling, living the race. As I imagine, you need some years of experience to become a trackside F1 engineer. So do you think building experience in lower formulas like F2/F3, FE, or prototypes, performance/data engineer in smaller teams is a good way to line up for a trackside job in F1 ? Or is it recomended to start as an engineer at the lowest level directly in F1 and try to climb the ladder from there ? What is the proportion of your trackside colleagues that come from other motorsport categories ? Thanks ! Great - I look forward to working with you, or competing against you in the future!
That's a tough one. I wouldn't say trackside experience, per se, is very highly desired for trackside roles, but rather a demonstration of the deep technical/operational knowledge, the ability to deal with stress, etc. that makes people successful in those roles.
For this reason, I would say it's better to be in an F1 team and then attempt to try and go trackside, than to be trackside in a 'lower' formula.
The data, from my experience, suggests the same, the vast majority of engineers are in F1 first and then go trackside, rather than being trackside outside of F1 and moving to be trackside in F1.
That is not to say that experience in 'lower' formulae is not immensely useful to securing a job in F1 (just, I believe less preferred than F1 experience).
[deleted] We have - and not just sports too.
We have met with data scientists from football teams, coaches from the Olympics, rugby teams and professional cyclists - as well as many engineers and drivers from other motorsport series.
We also try and keep learning by working with partners or contacts across the military and commercial fields also.
the below is a reply to the above
Can you expand on the military part? Only at a high level, I'm afraid - as I wouldn't want to give anything away to others.
One area that I can talk about is that many teams will use military or ex-military experts to coach/train/share ideas with their personnel as there is a lot of overlap (as there is with many commercial fields also). So, for example, the military practice high quality communications on a regular basis, in highly stressful/pressured situations - that's an area where many teams have worked with ex-RAF personnel, for example, to share best practice, to coach and teach personnel and to improve processes.
Hi Randy My question is, if there's for example safety car deployed and the decision whether pit or not have to be made quickly, can the race engineer and the driver make a decision without asking you? They can but they shouldn't and I can't think of an occasion when they have.
Strategy decisions are made by the strategy team (not necessarily by me) and we have processes in place for making decisions where we have lots of time (normally measured in minutes), down to decisions where we may have 2 or 3 seconds to decide what to do for both cars and execute the communications/actions to do it.
Sometimes we may pre-make the decision and sometimes we have to make it on the fly or override our original intent - the thing about safety cars is that the cause of them can often change your variables/strategy.
Can you speak on how the sport has changed in the past few years in aspect to big data. How has data gathering and manipulation changed the sport? Specifically when it comes to making decisions based on past and current strategies. What kind of software and hardware have made the biggest changes, and how do you see the future of F1 benefit from AI/Big-data? Thanks for any info you may be able to share. McLaren have always been data-driven, so things haven't changed too much recently. We are finding better ways to analyse the data we have and to draw insights from it. I'm afraid I can't say too much more.
Why is it that you still see signs being held out to the drivers at the pit wall? Surely there can’t be anything said on these signs which can’t be said over the car radio? There’s gonna be a simple answer id imagine. I’ve always thought that it would be hard to try read a sign while travelling at 200 mph? It happens so rarely nowadays but the radio can fail, so the pitboards are a backup for that. The drivers should always give them a look as they go past (and they rarely do!) in case the radio has failed.
In the current times, where radio is public to other teams they could also be used as a way of passing coded messages, but we do watch them and that doesn't seem to be the case.
Hey Randy! Big fan of your work last season! My question is: Other than focusing on optimising strategy through the various instruments you have for every next race, what portion of your work is dedicated to improving the tools you have to work out strategies, or developing new technologies and methods? Is this something done consistently or over the winter? And lastly, how much does McLaren Applied work with you in using the newer tools in their work? Thanks :) Thank you.
With how busy the season is, often it is difficult to spend too much time doing development in the season, so big projects are typically tackled over the Winter period between seasons (although this is also getting compressed).
However, we are constantly, both in race weekends and between, developing our analysis techniques, smaller pieces of software, our understanding of competitors' behaviours, etc. so there is a constant ongoing development battle.
We do work with McLaren Applied fairly frequently across the business - we're not currently doing that on strategy projects.
the below question has been split into two, enumerated
Hi, thanks for doing this AMA! I've spent a lot of time reading your answers!I don't know if you'll answer this too but I'll try asking something anyway 1. What are the possible roles that a computer science graduate could cover? Hi! If you wanted to be very computer science focused, I guess software engineering, IT and some of the compute type roles would be interesting. If you're willing to pick up engineering knowledge then things like Vehicle Science modelling and CFD can open up too.
2. What are the main languages/frameworks used in the F1 enviroment?
3. Are you worried about Daniel coming next year? I mean, probably it will be hard not to laugh for the entire week-end when he's with Lando! Thanks in advance, totally not a computer science student.
Hi Randeep, first of all, thanks for your deep insights into the world of Formula 1 and McLaren. My question to you is, how do McLaren (or any other F1 team for that matter) ensure a stable electrical power supply in the case of a loss of normal power supply (Diesel Generators/UPS/battery banks) at both the factory and less likely to occur but still possible, at the track? Bonus question; how do teams (McLaren) prepare for different types of electrical outlets, voltages and currents all around the world? To start - I’ll say I’m not an electrician - take the below with a pinch of salt.
Most teams will have generators at the track (actually various kinds - to run stuff on the grid, in the trucks at European events and external ones at fly away races) and some kind of UPS system as well. Power supplies at circuits can be ‘temperamental’ and often there are power outages for specific reasons too.
In terms of for electrical outlets - we as end users just bring our UK stuff and plug it in! There’s an electrician and IT team who ensure that everything is set up and good to go and sneak with different voltage, phase, etc. supplies.
How did it feel to be part of mclaren last year? Like it has been in an incredible year with outstanding results. I have to say, I have enjoyed every year at McLaren and I started in 2015 when the results weren't outstanding - I am working with really awesome people and even through the bad times it is great to see the team spirit that pervades through everyone.
Last year was incredible and it's good to get an upswing in performance and to see teammates celebrating the thick after making it through the thin!
Who won the bet where Lando had to have ur face as his lock screen till Abu Dhabi last year? Lando won the bet, but he also clearly has no shame. 😃
submitted by 500scnds to tabled [link] [comments]

Gambling charity criticises banks' use of card blockers

Gambling charity criticises banks' use of card blockers

A gambling awareness charity in the UK has criticised UK banks for failing to properly use technology designed to prevent users from accessing gambling sites via their debit and credit cards.
Research carried out by the University of Bristol on behalf of the GambleAware charity found that the technology works well but is not accessible to millions of consumers.
So-called card blockers are designed to allow users with gambling problems to request that their card be blocked from accessing any gambling-related sites. But the research found that 40% of current accounts, equivalent to 28 million users, do not offer any card blocking features.
In all, only eight financial services firms offer blockers on certain products and ranges, including gambling-related sites. Furthermore, the report also found that were significant shortcomings even with those accounts that did offer card blocking services. For example, the feature could easily be turned off, rendering them more like a light switch than a lock, or else users could turn to e-wallets as a workaround.
Consequently, GambleAware is calling on the UK's financial regulator, the Financial Conduct Authority, to recommend gambling blocks are made standard features of all credit and debit cards and are also equipped with a time-release lock of at least 48 hours. The charity is also calling for an awareness campaign.
From the aggregated data and statistics shared by financial firms, researchers estimated that blockers are being used by roughly 500,000 consumers. And the data shared by one bank offering card blockers revealed an average of two to three transactions per month per user were blocked, equating to between 390,000 and 585,000 blocked transactons per month.
According to the UK's Office for National Statistics, the UK spent £14.5 billion on gambling in 2018, while gambling addiction is estimated to cost up to £1.2 billion per year.
“Keeping people safe from gambling harms requires banks to play their full part in providing consumers with effective means to block gambling transactions," said GambleAware chief executive Mark Etches. "While some banks have taken proactive steps to help shield their customers from gambling harms, the findings of this research indicate that improvements can and should be made. We encourage the banking industry to work together alongside the Government and regulators to implement the proposed recommendations.”
Originally published by Finextra | July 7, 2020
submitted by kjonesatjaagnet to JAAGNet [link] [comments]

Gamblers stimulate the development of payment systems

Gamblers stimulate the development of payment systems
According to Easy Payment Getaway, the number of transactions processed by the company over the past month has increased by 10% (according to its own statistics). This is especially evident in the gambling sector. Over the past few weeks, Spanish payment services have received many requests from their customers, mainly in gambling and regarding transactions in other markets, in particular Latin America, Asia and some African countries. In general, the analyst noted an increase in profitability in the remote gambling sector. In particular, last week the UK Gambling Commission released statistics according to which from October 2018 to September 2019 there was an increase of 3.9% compared to the same previous period. In the online betting sector, indicators grew by 4.3%, online bingo by 12.5% As for the ground sector, here the HGR, on the contrary, fell -0.6% A report on the global online gambling market and the impact of coronavirus on it, presented in May, spoke about expectations for the growth of the global online gambling market from $ 58.9 billion in 2019 to $ 66.7 billion in 2020 In addition, the document stated that the predicted gambling market on the Internet in 2023 will reach 92.9 billion pounds. If u want to know more about financial and online gamling world visit my project website
submitted by Bianca_Rienheart to u/Bianca_Rienheart [link] [comments]

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[Community] GamerGate 2018: Infinity War (We Survived the Snapture)

FOUR YEARS of magic!
2018 was an extraordinary year, as /KotakuInAction celebrated...

100,000 subscribers!

But this was also a year fraught with peril! For while GamerGate celebrated yet another triumph, a villain tried to wipe us from existence with a snap of his fingers.
And he did.
But to the shock and horror of many subreddits and gaming/clickbait news media, the unthinkable happened: WE SURVIVED.
Because we are everywhere and everything.
And we laugh, because not only were we spared by The Snapture, but it instead claimed a VAST number of our most belligerent detractors, companies, franchises, and e-celebs... including the snapper himself!
So let us now look back on yesteryear and appreciate those still with us, and salute all those in GamerGate rogue's gallery who crashed and burned, or faded to nothingness in the year 2018.
Pointing, laughing, and pressing F may now commence.




  • /KotakuInAction celebrates 100,000 subscribers! For a consumer movement pronounced dead in 2014, we continue to grow in size and influence. From getting US presidents elected to turning the whole world against the mainstream news media to weaponizing eggplant emojis, GamerGate continues to be responsible for literally everything. [Link]
  • OneAngryGamer is a regular target for DDOS attacks, but this year the hackers succeeded in bringing the gaming news site down... and corrupting the backups! For the better part of a month, OAG was offline with no ETA on it's return (if ever). But surprise; it's back, and once again making feminists quake at the sight of it's sidebar ads for anime tiddy statues. Just remember, kiddies: Archive Everything. TWICE. [Link] [Link] [Link]
  • Xenoblade Chronicles 2 becomes the best selling game in the franchise, shipping over a million units across the world. All despite dire warnings by gaming news and woke forums who insisted the game was "too Japanese", and the shapely, feminine girls had visible lumps on their chest that don't belong in western releases. [Link] [Link] [Album]
  • Kingdom Come: Deliverence overcomes industry-wide blacklisting, hit pieces, and agenda-driven reviews, and succeeds in achieving every SJW game dev's ultimate dream: record-breaking sales, widespread praise and acclaim, and most importantly... being used as a teaching tool in schools! [Album] [Link] [Link] [Link] [Archive]
  • Hulk Hogan, GamerGate's iconic tag-team partner in body-slamming Gawker into bankruptcy and oblivion is once more reinstated into the WWE Hall of Fame. #BringBackBullying: FAILED. #BringBackHulkamania: SUCCESS. [Link] [Album] [Youtube]
  • Soe Gschwind-Penski (eSports announcer) uses International Women's Day to thank all the men in gaming who treated her with respect and as an equal, whom offered her nothing but support, assistance, and positive reinforcement in a triumph for female equality in gaming. She promptly received hundreds of hate mail, hot takes, and death threats from feminists for her "internalized misogyny"... yet she neither retreated nor apologized, and stood strong for true equality in gaming. [Link] [Archive]
  • #WeStand4Flood. Five "Mean Girls" falsely accused a boy at school of sexual assault in 2017 because they "just didn't like him". He was shackled, charged, and despite desperately pleading Not Guilty sentenced to juvenile detention. In 2018, the Mean Girls confessed and he returned to school, whereupon he was bullied and terrorized as a sex offender while the girls received no punishment. But good news, everyone! The family is suing the girl's parents, the school, and the County DA who didn't dismiss the case for months after the confessions. Thanks to overwhelming local outcry and global exposure, justice is finally being done! [Link] [Album]
  • Freedom X won a $122,000 lawsuit against University of Washington, who can no longer charge ludicrously expensive "security" fees when conservative speakers wished to hold speaking events. The university agreed to end charging security fees entirely, ensuring conservative speakers are no longer "dissuaded" from appearing. [Link] [Link]
  • ComicsGate continues to surpass all obstacles, from breaking the GoFundme goal and raising $400,000, to raising $120,000 to take vitriolic writer Mark Waid to court for tortious interference. The wheels of justice turn slow as ever, but we've stockpiled popcorn and are ready to watch the show. [Link] [Link] [Link]
  • BBC Comedy proved that the world still has a licence to laugh at Social Justice Warriors with the hilarious skit "When You So Woke, You Asleep." With over 20,000 retweets and nearly 40,000 Likes, legendary entertainer Tracey Ullman perfectly skewers the modern affliction of "wokeness" to the delight of all. [Link] [Link] [Link]
Sorry for not posting this earlier, but the truth is... I've been busy playing vidya!
Well, that and we're barely into 2019 and it seems every week day there is a MAJOR HAPPENING on reddit:
  • Government shutdowns, while Buzzfeed tricks the world with fake "We got him!" stories...
  • ...TWICE.
  • The Covington School saga inciting a global news media/Hollywood witch hunt over weaponized smirks...
  • Gillette getting everyone in a frothy lather over masculinity...
  • GG's most notorious clickbait media adversaries (Buzzfeed, HuffPo, Vice, etc) got scythed, announcing thousands of layoffs as the clickbait bubble finally bursts to wails of despair as #LearnToCode becomes the latest meme banned for domestic terrorism...
And that was only the first month! And it's only February and the media is copping yet another shellacking over the way journalists and celebrities climbed over each other to condemn their ideological enemies over the Jussie Smollett attack... which turned out to be an orchestrated hoax. Yikes! The planet keeps spinning on it's axis and never slowing down!
But I managed to pause the rollercoaster of life just long enough to type this all up, so I hope you enjoyed this little retrospective! I have no doubt that after clicking the SUBMIT button, there will be some other major breaking story (or I realize I forgot to include some major 2018 event, or missed some dumb typo).
But whatever it may be... it's all GamerGate's fault. Because GG continues to be the runaway train that just won't stop; the bogeyman responsible for everything, everywhere!
2018's major pop culture event was The Infinity War, and we at /KotakuInAction all watched awestruck as so, so many anti-GG preachers and SocJus activists got utterly snapped. And we're still here!
So HAPPY NEW YEAR, a fond farewell to all those taken by The Snapture, and say a prayer alongside the girl with the Infinity Ribbon in her hair for an amazing 2019!

2018 /VIDYA/ Retrospective

(Can you spot Vivian?)
submitted by weltallic to KotakuInAction [link] [comments]

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Overall Gross Gambling Yield – up £5,845.56 million (107.5%) UK Online Gambling Statistics For 2018. 0 Flares 0 Flares × The data in this infographic is actual for 2018. From the surveys it became known that UK gamblers prefer to play online gambling from their homes. The most used devices are laptops/desktops. 25% of the UK players use in-play betting. The average age of players is between 25-35 years, it also should be noted, that a lot of young These changes in gambling advertising policies are expected to produce a positive effect. UK citizens will be able to enjoy a higher level of customer protection in 2018. The locally licensed gambling operators are given a deadline to change their advertisements until April 2, 2018, when the new set of rules will officially come into effect. The ‘UK Betting and Gaming Statistics’ release presents statistics from the 7 different gambling regimes administered by HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC):Bingo Duty According to the latest statistics by the UK Gambling Commission (UKGC), the total gambling market was worth £14.3 billion between October 2018 and September 2019. The statistic shows that online gambling holds the largest share of the market, accounting for 38.60% of the overall sector. In 2018, the remote gambling industry in the United Kingdom generated a gross gambling yield (GGY) of approximately 5.35 billion British pounds. Overall the UK had a GGY of roughly 14.4 billion... The current disruption to the UK could impact some of our statistics, and accuracy may be affected due to lower sample sizes, or a reduced ability to offer demographic, regional or other breakdowns. In some cases, the production of some data series may need to be suspended and we may find advantages in using other data sources. Decisions on production and publication will be made on a case by That means around 1.6 billion people worldwide gamble and 4.2 billion gamble at least once every year. When it comes to online gambling and demographic statistics, a UK study concludes that 17% of... It is estimated 300,000 people in Britain have symptoms of gambling disorder, most of whom are men, with another 540,000 at “moderate” risk. Lord Chadlington said: “The government needs to act... About £14.5bn was spent in Great Britain on gambling between October 2017 and September 2018, according to the Gambling Commission - the industry regulator.

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